The aim of this study is to examine and analyze which factors that motivate students in year 9 during their participation in Physical Education. Another part of the aim is to discuss how teachers choose to work with motivation as well as the content of the lessons versus the result of this study.
1. What do students find motivating when participating in Physical Education?
2. How much does the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation respectively matter for the students will to take part in Physical Education?
3. How can the content of the teaching and the teacher’s contribution increase the student´s motivation when it comes to the subject Physical Education?
I have used a qualitative method where I have interviewed 8 students in year 9 in Stockholm. The interviews where recorded and then transcribed. As a theoretical starting point, the study has been based on Self-Determination Theory and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
The processing and analyze of the results shows that the intrinsic motivation, here meaning doing something for the sake of doing it, matters greatly for the students will to take part in Physical Education. How the students enjoy the activity and the possibility to try out and take part in new sports is other contributing factors to the students to take part in Physical education. The extrinsic motivation, here meaning doing something for a reward, e.g. grades, is also a contributing factor for students to take part in Physical Education.
The study shows that there are several factors that motivate individuals in Physical Education. The most common factors is to enjoy the activity, to be physically active and to learn something new. The study shows that it is important that the teachers adapt the lessons to every individual since different things are motivating different individuals.