Paired associative stimulation (PAS) can induce plasticity in the motor cortex, as measured by changes in corticospinal excitability (CSE). This effect is attenuated in older and less active individuals. Although a single bout of exercise enhances PAS-induced plasticity in young, physically inactive adults, it is not yet known if physical activity interventions affect PAS-induced neuroplasticity in middle-aged inactive individuals. Sixteen inactive middle-aged office workers participated in a randomized cross-over design investigating how CSE and short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) were affected by PAS preceded by 3 h of sitting (SIT), 3 h of sitting interrupted every 30 min by 3 min of frequent short bouts of physical activity (FPA) and 2.5 h of sitting followed by 25 min of moderate-intensity exercise (EXE). Transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied over the primary motor cortex (M1) of the dominant abductor pollicis brevis to induce recruitment curves before and 5 min and 30 min post-PAS. Linear mixed models were used to compare changes in CSE using time and condition as fixed effects and subjects as random effects. There was a main effect of time on CSE and planned within-condition comparisons showed that CSE was significantly increased from baseline to 5 min and 30 min post-PAS, in the FPA condition, with no significant changes in the SIT or EXE conditions. SICI decreased from baseline to 5 min post-PAS, but this was not related to changes in CSE. Our findings suggest that in middle-aged inactive adults, FPAs may promote corticospinal neuroplasticity. Possible mechanisms are discussed.
Understanding the physiological and psychological factors that contribute to healthy and pathological balance control in man has been made difficult by the confounding effects of the perturbations used to test balance reactions. The present study examined how postural responses were influenced by the acceleration-deceleration interval of an unexpected horizontal translation. Twelve adult males maintained balance during unexpected forward and backward surface translations with two different acceleration-deceleration intervals and presentation orders (serial or random). "SHORT" perturbations consisted of an initial acceleration (peak acceleration 1.3 m s(-2); duration 300 ms) followed 100 ms later by a deceleration. "LONG" perturbations had the same acceleration as SHORT perturbations, followed by a 2-s interval of constant velocity before deceleration. Surface and intra-muscular electromyography (EMG) from the leg, trunk, and shoulder muscles were recorded along with motion and force plate data. LONG perturbations induced larger trunk displacements compared to SHORT perturbations when presented randomly and larger EMG responses in proximal and distal muscles during later (500-800 ms) response intervals. During SHORT perturbations, activity in some antagonist muscles was found to be associated with deceleration and not the initial acceleration of the support surface. When predictable, SHORT perturbations facilitated the use of anticipatory mechanisms to attenuate early (100-400 ms) EMG response amplitudes, ankle torque change and trunk displacement. In contrast, LONG perturbations, without an early deceleration effect, did not facilitate anticipatory changes when presented in a predictable order. Therefore, perturbations with a short acceleration-deceleration interval can influence triggered postural responses through reactive effects and, when predictable with repeated exposure, through anticipatory mechanisms.
Unexpected ventral and dorsal perturbations and expected, self-induced ventral perturbations were delivered to the trunk by suddenly loading a vest strapped to the torso. Six male subjects were measured for intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and intra-muscular electromyography of the transversus abdominis (TrA), obliquus internus abdominis (OI), obliquus externus abdominis (OE) and rectus abdominis (RA) muscles. Erector spinae (ES) activity was recorded using surface electromyography. Displacements of the trunk and head were registered using a video-based system. Unexpected ventral loading produced activity in TrA, OI, OE and RA, and an IAP increase well in advance of activity from ES. Expected ventral loading produced pre-activation of all muscles and an increased IAP prior to the perturbation. The TrA was always the first muscle active in both the unexpected and self-loading conditions. Of the two ventral loading conditions, forward displacement of the trunk was significantly reduced during the self-loading. Unexpected dorsal loading produced coincident activation of TrA, OI, OE, RA and ES. These results indicate a response of the trunk muscles to sudden expected and unexpected ventral loadings other than the anticipated immediate extensor torque production through ES activation. It is suggested that the increase in IAP is a mechanism designed to improve the stability of the trunk through a stiffening of the whole segment.
The present study was designed to determine the relative contribution of the gastrocnemius muscle to isometric plantar flexor torque production at varying knee angles, while investigating the activation of the gastrocnemius muscle at standardised non-optimal lengths. Voluntary plantar flexor torque, supramaximally stimulated twitch torque and myoelectric activity (EMG) from the triceps surae were measured at different knee angles. Surface and intra-muscular EMG were recorded from the soleus muscle and the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle in 10 male subjects. With the ankle angle held constant, knee angle was changed in steps of 30 degrees ranging from 180 degrees (extended) to 60 degrees (extreme flexion), while voluntary torque from a 5-s contraction was determined at 10 different levels of voluntary effort, ranging from 10% of maximal effort to maximal effort. To assess effort, supramaximal twitches were superimposed on all voluntary contractions, and additionally during rest. Maximal plantar flexor torque and resting twitch torque decreased significantly in a sigmoidal fashion with increasing knee flexion to 60% of the maximum torque at 180 degrees knee angle. For similar levels of voluntary effort, the EMG root mean square (RMS) of gastrocnemius was less with increased knee flexion, whereas soleus RMS remained unchanged. From these data, it is concluded that the contribution of gastrocnemius to plantar flexor torque is at least 40% of the total torque in the straight leg position. The decrease of gastrocnemius EMG RMS with decreasing muscle length may be brought about by a decrease in the number of fibres within the EMG electrode recording volume and/or impaired neuromuscular transmission.
The aim was to increase the understanding of the multifunctional role of the trunk muscles in spine control, particularly transversus abdominis (TrA). In 11 healthy males, intramuscular fine-wire electromyography (EMG) was obtained bilaterally from TrA, obliquus externus (OE), rectus abdominis (RA) and erector spinae (ES). The subjects lay on their right side on a horizontal swivel-table with immobilized pelvis and lower limbs and the trunk strapped to a movable platform. Unexpected or expected release of loads attached to the table by steel cables produced a perturbation inducing either trunk flexion or extension. The timing and the amplitude of activation of TrA were independent of direction of induced trunk movement. Furthermore, timing of TrA activation was simultaneous to or later than that of the more superficial abdominal muscles. Expectation of the perturbation caused a general shortening of onset latencies. The results indicate a direction independent function of TrA in lumbar spine control. Balancing the trunk vertically appears to add specific demands, since the recruitment of TrA in relation to the other abdominal muscles differed from earlier experiments in standing.
Addition of a load to a moving upper limb produces a perturbation of the trunk due to transmission of mechanical forces. This experiment investigated the postural response of the trunk muscles in relation to unexpected limb loading. Subjects performed rapid, bilateral shoulder flexion in response to a stimulus. In one third of trials, an unexpected load was added bilaterally to the upper limbs in the first third of the movement. Trunk muscle electromyography, intra-abdominal pressure and upper limb and trunk motion were measured. A short-latency response of the erector spinae and transversus abdominis muscles occurred approximately 50 ms after the onset of the limb perturbation that resulted from addition of the load early in the movement and was coincident with the onset of the observed perturbation at the trunk. The results provide evidence of initiation of a complex postural response of the trunk muscles that is consistent with mediation by afferent input from a site distant to the lumbar spine, which may include afferents of the upper limb.
Evaluation of trunk movements, trunk muscle activation, intra-abdominal pressure and displacement of centres of pressure and mass was undertaken to determine whether trunk orientation is a controlled variable prior to and during rapid bilateral movement of the upper limbs. Standing subjects performed rapid bilateral symmetrical upper limb movements in three directions (flexion, abduction and extension). The results indicated a small (0.4-3.3 degrees) but consistent initial angular displacement between the segments of the trunk in a direction opposite to that produced by the reactive moments resulting from limb movement. Phasic activation of superficial trunk muscles was consistent with this pattern of preparatory motion and with the direction of motion of the centre of mass. In contrast, activation of the deep abdominal muscles was independent of the direction of limb motion, suggesting a non-direction specific contribution to spinal stability. The results support the opinion that feedforward postural responses result in trunk movements, and that orientation of the trunk and centre of mass are both controlled variables in relation to rapid limb movements.
The postural response to translation of the support surface may be influenced by the performance of an ongoing voluntary task. This study was designed to test this proposal by applying lateral perturbations while subjects handled a load in the frontal plane. Measurements were made of medio-lateral displacement of the centre of pressure, angular displacement of the trunk and thigh in the frontal plane and intra-abdominal pressure. Subjects were translated randomly to the left and right in a variety of conditions that involved standing either quietly or with a 5 kg load in their left hand, which they were required either to hold statically or to lift or lower. The results indicate that when the perturbation occurred towards the loaded left side the subjects were able to return their centre of pressure, trunk and thigh rapidly and accurately to the initial position. However, when the perturbation occurred towards the right (away from the load) this correction was delayed and associated with multiple changes in direction of movement, suggesting decreased efficiency of the postural response. This reduced efficiency can be explained by a conflict between the motor commands for the ongoing voluntary task and the postural response, and/or by the mechanical effect of the asymmetrical addition of load to the trunk.
Our purpose was to study central fatigue and its dependence on peripheral reflex inhibition during a sustained submaximal contraction of the triceps surae. In 11 healthy subjects, superimposed twitches, surface electromyograms (EMG) from the medial head of the gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus (SOL) muscles, maximal compound motor action potentials (M(max)), tracking error and tremor were recorded during sustained fatiguing contractions at a torque level corresponding to 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). When the endurance limit (401 +/- 91 s) of the voluntary contraction (VC-I) was reached, the triceps surae could be electrically stimulated to the same torque level for an additional 1 min in 10 of the 11 subjects. These subjects were then able to continue the contraction voluntarily (voluntary contraction II, VC-II) for another 85 +/- 48 s. At the endurance limit of VC-I, the superimposed twitch was larger than during the unfatigued MVC, while there was no significant difference between the twitch at the endurance limit of VC-II and MVC. The EMG amplitude of both MG and SOL at the endurance limit of VC-I was significantly less than that during the MVC. While the EMG amplitude of MG increased further during VC-II, SOL EMG remained unchanged, neither muscle reaching their unfatigued MVC values. This difference was diminished for SOL by taking into account its decrease in M(max) found during VC-II, and relative EMG levels approached their MVC values. These results clearly indicate that a higher voluntary muscle activation was achievable after 1 min of electrical muscle stimulation, which continued metabolic stress and contractile fatigue processes but allowed for supraspinal, muscle spindle and/or motoneuronal recovery. It is concluded that peripheral reflex inhibition of alpha-motoneurons via small-diameter muscle afferents is of minor significance for the development of the central fatigue that was found to occur during the first voluntary contraction.
The modifications occurring in the movement and muscle activity patterns of the leg when changing from forward to backward walking were studied in five healthy subjects during walking on a motor driven treadmill. Movements were recorded with a Selspot optoelectronic system and muscle activity with electromyography using surface electrodes. The movement trajectories of the leg in forward and backward walking essentially mirrored each other, even though the movements occurred in the reversed direction. The angular displacements at the hip, knee and ankle joints showed similar overall magnitude and pattern in the two situations. Most of the investigated muscles changed their pattern of activity in relation to the different movement phases. At the ankle, there was a switch between flexors and extensors with flexor activation during support in backward walking. The bursts of activity in knee extensors were prolonged and shifted to the main part of the support phase. In the hip extensors, the activity periods retained their positions relative to the leg movements, but changed function due to the reversed direction of movement. Thus, drastic changes occur in the normal locomotor program to produce a reversal of leg movements and propulsion backwards.
Previous research has shown that the postural configuration adopted by a subject, such as active leaning, influences the postural response to an unpredictable support surface translation. While those studies have examined large differences in postural conditions, it is of additional interest to examine the effects of naturally occurring changes in standing posture. Thus, it was hypothesized that the normal postural sway observed during quiet standing would affect the responses to an unpredictable support surface translation. Seventeen young adults stood quietly on a moveable platform and were perturbed in either the forward or backward direction when the location of the center of pressure (COP) was either 1.5 standard deviations anterior or posterior to the mean baseline COP signal. Postural responses, in the form of electromyographic (EMG) latencies and amplitudes, were recorded from lower limb and trunk muscles. When the location of the COP at the time of the translation was in the opposite, as compared to the same, direction as the upcoming translation, there was a significantly earlier onset of the antagonists (10-23%, i.e. 15-45 ms) and a greater EMG amplitude (14-39%) in four of the six recorded muscles. Stepping responses were most frequently observed during trials where the position of the COP was opposite to the direction of the translation. The results support the hypothesis that postural responses to unpredictable support surface translations are influenced by the normal movements of postural sway. The results may help to explain the large variability of postural responses found between past studies.