The purpose of this study is to research and map Swedish secondary school students’ taste for sports (practice belonging) based on Lars-Magnus Engström’s practice division. The purpose is also to explore how gender, participation in organized sports and socioeconomic capital might be related to practice belonging. The study will also explore what type of learning the different practices contributes to. – How is the practice belonging among Swedish secondary school students? – Is there a relationship between practice belonging and learning?
A survey was conducted on 270 Swedish secondary school students. The students went to three different schools, all located in the Stockholm suburbs. The results were analyzed in SPSS and significance levels were tried through Pearson’s Chi-Square test. The study’s theoretical base consisted of Bourdieu’s concept of habitus, Vygotsky’s sociocultural learning theory as well as Hirdman’s and Fagrell’s rendering of the gender system.
Challenge, physical training as well as competition and ranking were practices who most felt a strong belonging to. Skill training was a practice that boys to a larger extent than girls belonged to and movement to music was a practice that girls in a larger extent than boys belonged to. The students who had a higher grade in PE felt a strong practice belonging to all practices but movement to music as well as interaction with animals. There were no significant results between economic capital and practice belonging. Those with a high or semi-high educational capital felt a strong practice belonging for all practices but movement to music, interaction with animals and competition and ranking. The students who were participating in organized sports felt a stronger belonging to all performance practices as well as physical training and skill training than those who weren’t participating in organized sports. The results in the comparison between practice belonging and learning showed that those with strong practice belonging to a greater extent agreed with the assertions connected to the practice’s learning.
There seems to be differences in practice belonging depending on which gender one belongs to. One’s practice belonging can also differ depending on educational capital and participation in organized sports. It seems to be some practices that to a greater extent lead to a higher grade in PE. The results also indicate that there is learning within each practice.
The aim of the study is to establish whether the four self-rated quantifiable attributes speed, elasticity, strength and endurance correlate with the acquired grade for physical education in year 9 in the Swedish school. The following questions were predominant: Is the data from the self-formulated questions consistent with data from the CY-PSPP form? Is there a correlation to be found between any or some of the self-rated four attributes and the grade in physical education? Is there any difference between the above-mentioned self-rated physical abilities in how they correlate with the grade in physical education?
The data presented in the study is based on answers from surveys from 233 high school students in Stockholm. The survey is constructed partly by the CY-PSPP method and partly from self-formulated questions. Data was processed in excel and the statistical program SPSS, where Spearman-correlations were calculated. The CY-PSPP variables were compared to variable data from self-formulated questions.
The result of the comparison between the CY-PSPP form and the self-formulated questions show evident correlation. Based on the student answers, elasticity was the attribute that showed strongest correlation toward the grade, closely followed by speed and endurance. The strength attribute correlated significantly less with the grade than the other attributes.
Data from the survey display a positive correlations between all of the attributes and grades in physical education. Anchored in Bourdieu’s terminology, it is hard to decide whether the attribute endurance can be ascribed to be a capital with respect to the grade in physical education, meanwhile, the attribute strength show few signs of being a capital in that sense. Some suggest that speed and elasticity to a wider extent than endurance can be regarded as a capital for high grades.
Syfte och frågeställningar
Denna studie vill undersoka varfor/varfor inte elever vill duscha i omkladningsrummet efter lektionerna i idrott och halsa. Fragestallningarna blir saledes:
Med en enkatundersokning fick arskurs nio-elever fran tva skolor svara pa fragor kring fysisk aktivitet i och utanfor skolan samt upplevelsen av omkladningsrummet, genom att kryssa for det alternativ de ansag passa in bast pa dem. Respondenterna valdes genom ett bekvamlighetsurval da god kontakt redan fanns till dessa skolor och elever. Av de 132 elever som deltog i enkatundersokning svarade alla pa hela frageformularet, vilket ledde till noll bortfall.
Pa de skolor denna enkatundersokning genomfordes var det vanligare att duscha i skolans omkladningsrum efter idrott och halsa-undervisningen bland dem som var fysiskt aktiva pa fritiden. De som duschar ar i huvudsak aktiva inom lagidrotter. Endast 28% av de elever som deltog i studien uppgav att de duschar efter idrottslektionen, flertalet av dem tyckte mycket bra eller helt okej om amnet idrott och halsa. Killarna duschade i skolans omkladningsrum efter idrottslektionen i storre utstrackning an tjejerna.
Enligt studien duschar mindre an en tredjedel av eleverna i skolans omkladningsrum efter lektionerna i idrott och halsa och mer an halften av eleverna tycker inte att omkladningsrummet ar frascht. De som duschar ar fysiskt aktiva pa fritiden dar de utovar lagsporter.