Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH

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  • 1.
    Abdulhasib, Redone
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Bollspelens roll i skolundervisningen2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka idrottslärares didaktiska ställningstaganden under momentet bollspel på grundskolans högstadie Därutöver undersöks hur idrottslärares ställningstaganden samspelar med elevers inställning till och uppfattningar om momentet.

    Undersökningens tre frågeställningar är:

    • Vilka didaktiska ställningstaganden uppger lärare i idrott och hälsa att de gör inför och under momentet bollspel?

    ● Hur uppfattar lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa att de mer konkret stöttar och motiverar elever i årskurs 9 inom bollspel?

    ● Hur uppfattar elever lärares undervisningssätt i bollspel inom ämnet idrott och hälsa?


    Frågeställningarna besvaras genom en kvalitativ delstudie i form av en intervjuundersökning med 3 lärare, samt en kvantitativ delstudie bestående av en enkätundersökning med totalt 71 elever. Studiens kvalitativa del, som består av intervjuer med lärare, motiveras av att den kan ge en djupare förståelse för hur läraren förhåller sig till skapandet av en meningsfull undervisning. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande.


    Lärarna i studien menar att deras uppgift är att engagera och motivera eleverna. Det lärarna gör i studien för att motivera och stötta eleverna på ett konkret sätt är, genom att ta reda på bakomliggande orsaker till att eleverna inte är motiverade, sedan jobba på därifrån. Vidare påvisar resultaten att eleverna uppfattar lärarens undervisningssätt positivt, samt att de är medvetna om vad som förväntas av dem och vad syftet med undervisningen är inom idrott och hälsa.


    Lärarnas svar uppvisade inte alls stor variation, kanske för att de alla hade en bakgrund inom bollspel från föreningsidrotten. Däremot visade det sig hur lärarna stöttar och motiverar sina elever på olika vis. Till exempel är grunden för att skapa en bra relation till eleverna att lärarna kan kommunicera på vilka sätt eleven arbetar bäst. Enkätundersökningen visade att majoriteten av eleverna i samtliga skolor tyckte att lärarna inom idrott och hälsa har samma engagemang och motivation inom grenen bollspel liksom i andra grenar inom ämnet idrott och hälsa.

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  • 2.
    Abdulla, Pashang
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Rabun, Hedi
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    ”Jag kunde inte språket och jag hade inga kompisar”: en kvalitativ studie om elevers integrering genom ämnet idrott och hälsa2020Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the integration of newly arrived students through teaching in the subject of Physical Education and health works. This is done by finding out what their experiences mean for integration and by examining their current experiences of Physical Education and health in Sweden.

    • How can newcomers' integration into Swedish of Physical Education and health be described based on their lifeworld?
    • What opportunities and limitations do newcomers experience to be able to participate in Physical Education and health?


    The study was conducted with the help of four newly arrived students, who were interviewed individually to study their lifeworld. Through these qualitative interviews, an analysis of how students perceive their participation in the subject Physical Education and health could be made. In our study we used the sociocultural perspective as a theoretical starting point. The interviews were conducted individually, as this should provide the widest possible understanding of the students' individual perceptions and thoughts. The interviews have been transcribed and used in the results section. An interview guide was used to facilitate the work process.


    The clearest results this study showed were (1) Respondents' different experiences from their home country and different experiences from school have affected how much interest they have in sports education. (2) Different educational keys and different learning methods are something that the students appreciate from the teacher who helps the to be a part of the class. (3) Teachers and classmates are of great importance for adapting to Physical Education and health. '


    The study shows that both provenance and gender can have an impact on how well you adapt to Swedish sports education. Despite cultural and language differences physical Education and health could integrate people together

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  • 3.
    Aberkan, Niama
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    "200 meter, varav 50 meter i ryggläge": – En studie om utvalda skolors simkunnighet i årskurs 62014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Mitt övergripande syfte med uppsatsen är att jämföra hur simkunnigheten ser ut i årskurs 6 utifrån hur lärarna arbetar med simundervisning i två olika skolor.


    – Hur organiserar och arbetar idrottslärarna med simning i skolan?

    – Hur ser simkunnigheten ut bland elever i årskurs 6?


    En kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter och intervjuer har använts för att få frågeställningarna besvarade. De som deltog i enkätundersökningen var elever i årskurs 6 från en skola i Stockholmsstad och en annan skola på Lidingöstad. Eleverna fick besvara frågor om hur deras simkunnighet ser ut idag och vart de lärt sig simma. De som intervjuades var tre lärare i idrott och hälsa, en från skolan på Lidingö stad och två från skolan i Stockholms stad. Frågor som besvarades handlade om hur de bearbetar och organiserade simning i sin skola.


    Intervjuresultatet från lärarna visar att båda skolorna har samma upplägg. Eleverna får lära sig simma i lågstadiet och sedan, när de blir äldre och ska få betyg, har skolorna simtest, vilket innebär att eleverna får simma 200 meter varav 50 meter i ryggläge. Klarar eleverna testet får de godkänt i simmomentet. Simtestet visar att 78 % och 73 % av eleverna i skolorna får godkänt i simtestet. 7% och 12 % av eleverna klarar inte simtestet och får då betyget F i idrott och hälsa. 15 % av eleverna i vardera skola är frånvarande under simtestet. Vidare anser lärarna att det i första hand är föräldrarnas ansvar att lära barnen simma men i och med att det finns som ett kunskapskrav i läroplanen så är det nu också lärarnas ansvar.


    Resultatet visar att båda skolorna arbetar likartat och har samma problem, vilket är att få tillgång till simhallen. Detta kan kopplas till ramfaktorsteorin som säger att om det finns ett krav i läroplanen ska det finnas möjlighet till att uppfylla kraven, som i detta fall tillgång till simhallar. Utifrån transformeringsarenan i läroplansteorin kan läroplanen tolkas olika av lärarna. Även här diskuteras hur man ska tolka simningskravet. Kan man simma 150 meter hundsim och 50 meter flytandes på rygg med bensprattel?

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  • 4.
    Abily, Khalil Michael
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Selenius, Gordon
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    "Om man inte vill att eleverna ska hålla på med sånt skit måste man förmedla riskerna med preparaten": En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i idrott och hälsa bedriver och planerar lektioner som berör droger och dopningspreparat2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    This study aims to examine how physical education teachers plan and implement lessons about drugs and doping substances in high school.

    Research Questions

    1. What approaches do physical education teachers use to highlight the effects of drugs and doping substances?
    2. What conditions, challenges, and opportunities do physical education teachers see in teaching about drugs and doping substances?
    3. How do physical education teachers perceive their subject-didactic competence regarding drugs and doping?

    Theory and Method

    The study is based on didactic theory in general and the didactic triangle in particular, as well as a sociocultural perspective. A qualitative approach is used, employing thematic analysis of interviews with six physical education teachers.


    Findings reveal diverse pedagogical approaches, including teacher-centered and student-centered methods, and the use of various materials like films, images, and podcasts. Teachers expressed a general lack of subject-didactic competence and felt unprepared in teaching about drugs and doping, highlighting the need for more focused teacher education on these topics.


    The study concludes that physical education teachers face significant challenges in effectively teaching about drugs and doping. There is a need for improved teacher training and resources to enhance subject-didactic competence. Further research is recommended to explore student perspectives and the impact of various teaching methods on student learning and attitudes.

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  • 5.
    Abrahamsson, Oliver
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Engströms praktiker i praktiken: en studie om gymnasieelevers praktiktillhörighet utifrån Lars-Magnus Engströms teorier.2016Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this study is to research and map Swedish secondary school students’ taste for sports (practice belonging) based on Lars-Magnus Engström’s practice division. The purpose is also to explore how gender, participation in organized sports and socioeconomic capital might be related to practice belonging. The study will also explore what type of learning the different practices contributes to. – How is the practice belonging among Swedish secondary school students? – Is there a relationship between practice belonging and learning?


    A survey was conducted on 270 Swedish secondary school students. The students went to three different schools, all located in the Stockholm suburbs. The results were analyzed in SPSS and significance levels were tried through Pearson’s Chi-Square test. The study’s theoretical base consisted of Bourdieu’s concept of habitus, Vygotsky’s sociocultural learning theory as well as Hirdman’s and Fagrell’s rendering of the gender system. 


    Challenge, physical training as well as competition and ranking were practices who most felt a strong belonging to. Skill training was a practice that boys to a larger extent than girls belonged to and movement to music was a practice that girls in a larger extent than boys belonged to. The students who had a higher grade in PE felt a strong practice belonging to all practices but movement to music as well as interaction with animals. There were no significant results between economic capital and practice belonging. Those with a high or semi-high educational capital felt a strong practice belonging for all practices but movement to music, interaction with animals and competition and ranking. The students who were participating in organized sports felt a stronger belonging to all performance practices as well as physical training and skill training than those who weren’t participating in organized sports. The results in the comparison between practice belonging and learning showed that those with strong practice belonging to a greater extent agreed with the assertions connected to the practice’s learning.


    There seems to be differences in practice belonging depending on which gender one belongs to. One’s practice belonging can also differ depending on educational capital and participation in organized sports. It seems to be some practices that to a greater extent lead to a higher grade in PE. The results also indicate that there is learning within each practice.

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  • 6.
    Acson, Dennis
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Att lära sig vara hälsosam: en fallstudie om arbetet i en hälsoprofilerad skola2011Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]



    The aim of this study has been to investigate how a health-profiled school works with its’ health promotion and if the studied school fulfils the stipulated criterias for a health-promoting school.. The more specific issues are:

    1. What are the chareteristic of the school's health promotion?
    2. How does the designated key persons describe their work and responsibilities in the school's health promotion?
    3. What results of the school's health promotive actions are visible?



    A case study method was used to collect data for the study. This case study includes both qualitative interviews and a textual content analysis of related documents (evaluated reports, the school’s business plan and text from the school’s website). The selected school has been based on a strategic sample of schools. Five persons have been interviewed. As a theoretical frame work a sociocultural perspective on learning has been used.


    The school’s healthpromotion has a structure, announced in their business-plan, with a so called Health Team in the lead. Besides that, the school has been certified by Korpen’s health diploma. The school’s Health Team is the main hub of the school's health promotion and consists of the principal, the physical education (PE) teacher, the health educators, the school nurse, and the school restaurant manager. The principal sees himself as the overall responsible for the school's health promoting. The PE-teacher, the health educator, and the school nurse find it natural to work with health promotion within their profession. The restaurant manager, sees his primarily responsibility as to ensure that there is a nutritionally balanced diet offered in the school restaurant. The respondents stated the importance of their role as role models. Communication and engagement are key components in their health promotion. Regarding  aspects of the departure points for the learning of health, it reveals that the Health Team sees the interaction between the individual and context as essential components for their work. It comes foreward that the result of the school’s health promotion work is difficult to assess, or make visible. There have been attempts to measure the impact of the health promotion, but the respondents note that ensuring out comes of health promotion is a long-term goal.


    The conclusion of the study is that the studied school fulfil the existing criteria for a health profiled school. The school has a structure, an organization and a distinct approach to learning about health. From a sociocultural perspective on learning, the school’s health promotion is characterized by an approach to learning as a social, situated and distributed. The key persons’ (the Health team) goal of theír health promoting is to let the students embrace tools and acquire different patterns of health promoting behaviors and actions. The effect or rather the results from their health promoting appear to be difficult to measure and therefore it is important to see the important to see health promotion from a long term perspective.


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    Dennis Acson D-uppsats
  • 7.
    Acson, Dennis
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Tillsammans får idrotten ett lyft: idrottslärarens och idrottsledarens inställning till samverkan inom Idrottslyftet2011Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med den här studien var att i ett mångkulturellt område undersöka idrottslärarens och idrottsledarens inställning till samverkan inom Idrottslyftet. Frågeställningar var följande:

    1. Vilka hinder respektive möjligheter upplever idrottsläraren med samverkan?
    2. Vilka hinder respektive möjligheter upplever idrottsledaren med samverkan?

     Metod: Undersökningens underlag bestod av intervjuer vilka har studerats med en kvalitativ metod. Urvalet utgjordes av tre idrottslärare och tre idrottsledare verksamma i mångkulturella områden. Materialet transkriberades och analyserades utifrån ad hoc-metoden.

    Resultat: Idrottslärarna ser samverkan som ett sätt att ge elever möjlighet att komma i kontakt med föreningsidrotten. Svårigheter som idrottslärarna upplevde där brister finns berör ledarbiten.

    Idrottsledarna ser samverkan som en möjlighet att möta och rekrytera barn i deras föreningsverksamhet. De ser samverkan som ett sätt för barnen att komma i kontakt med idrotten. Svårigheter som idrottsledarna nämnde gällde sådant som berör planering och tidsramar.

    Slutsats: Både idrottslärarna och idrottsledarna är generellt positiva till samverkan. Samverkan fyller en funktion och anses ha ett stort värde för de barn som inte har habitus att vara fysiskt aktiva på fritiden och/eller som har svårt att få kontakt med idrottsföreningarna. Samverkan fyller dessutom en funktion hos idrottsföreningar eftersom detta leder till nyrekryteringar i deras verksamhet. Eleverna och idrottsföreningarna vinner alltså på samverkan vilket blir ett lyft för idrotten. Men både idrottslärarna och idrottsledarna anser att det finns brister med systemet. Brister som är kopplade till de tidsramar som tillåts inom samverkan.

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  • 8.
    Agergaard, Sine
    et al.
    Aalborg Univ, Dept Hlth Sci & Technol, Sports & Social Issues, Gistrup, Denmark..
    Redelius, Karin
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Strandbu, Åse
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society. Norwegian Sch Sport Sci NIH, Dept Sport & Social Sci, Oslo, Norway..
    Children's Rights to and in Sport: A Comparative Analysis of Organizational Policies in the Scandinavian Countries2024In: Social Sciences, E-ISSN 2076-0760, Vol. 13, no 4, article id 216Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    It has long been stated that children have the rights to protection from, e.g., abuse and to the provision of age-appropriate leisure, play, and recreational activities along with participation in all matters that concerns them. Yet, the full range of children's rights to and in sport has not yet been explored in detail. To do so, it is relevant to turn to the Scandinavian countries, which are praised for promoting children's rights and well-being, with organized sport forming part of the daily lives of many children and youths. In this paper, we examine the organizational policies in Scandinavian sport in order to develop foundational knowledge about how the range of children's rights to and in sport may be supported. Comparing key policy documents of the major sports confederations in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, these analyses identify great variety in the following: 1. when and how children's rights to and in sport have been made explicit in the three countries; 2. whether the emphasis is on protection and/or provision of sport to children and youths or their participation in shaping sporting activities; 3. the degree to and ways in which such rights are regulated. In sum, our findings reflect a disparity between organizational policies in the three countries, with a more liberal and individualistic approach to public policy in the Danish context, providing some explanation of the only recent development in and scattered enaction of regulations to support children's rights to and in sports. Furthermore, we identify that political attention has mainly been drawn to the protection and provision of sports to children and youths, while their participation in shaping sport is a shared challenge for sport confederations in the Scandinavian countries and beyond.

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  • 9.
    Aggerholm, K.
    et al.
    Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norway.
    Standal, O.
    Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway.
    Barker, D. M.
    University of Gothenburg.
    Larsson, Håkan
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Forskningsgruppen för pedagogisk idrottsforskning.
    On practising in physical education: outline for a pedagogical model.2018In: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, ISSN 1740-8989, E-ISSN 1742-5786, Vol. 23, no 2, p. 197-208Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Models-based approaches to physical education have in recent years developed as a way for teachers and students to concentrate on a manageable number of learning objectives, and align pedagogical approaches with learning subject matter and context. This paper draws on Hannah Arendt’s account ofvita activato map existing approaches to physical education as oriented towards: (a) health and exercise, (b) sport and games, and (c) experience and exploration.

    Purpose: The aim of the paper is to outline a new pedagogical model for physical education:a practising model. We argue that the form of human activity related to practising is not well represented in existing orientations and models. To sustain this argument, we highlight the most central aspects of practising, and at the same time describe central features of the model.

    Relevance and implications: The paper addresses pedagogical implications the practising model has for physical education teachers. Central learning outcomes and teaching strategies related to four essential and ‘non-negotiable’ features of the practising model are discussed. These strategies are: (1) acknowledging subjectivity and providing meaningful challenges, (2) focusing on content and the aims of practising, (3) specifying and negotiating standards of excellence and (4) providing adequate time to practising.

    Conclusion: The practising model has the potential to inform new perspectives on pedagogical approaches, and renew and improve working methods and learning practices, in physical education. 

  • 10.
    Aggerholm, Kenneth
    et al.
    Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.
    Barker, Dean
    Örebro University.
    Larsson, Håkan
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Førland Standal, Øyvind
    Oslo Metropolitan University.
    Practising movement at home: An idea for meaningful remote teaching in physical education2021In: sport science forum, ISSN 1652-7224, article id May 21Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Since March 2020, most physical education (PE) teachers in Scandinavia have faced the challenges of remote teaching. Homeschooling has perhaps been particularly challenging for PE teachers compared to other teachers, given the essential role of bodily contact, interaction, social negotiations, game playing and shared expressions in PE (Varea and González-Calvo, 2020).

    Having worked with covid conditions for a year now, we trust that teachers have worked out various solutions that, we hope, are relevant and meaningful for the students. At the same time, both from our personal experiences and early research findings (Mercier et al. 2021), it appears that PE teachers have largely provided students with physical activity and fitness training during the pandemic.

    In this short text, we want to share an idea for a concrete alternative to fitness exercises, which, although important, is only one part of the PE curriculum. It springs from a pedagogical model we outlined in a double article from 2018, which focuses on practising. Practising, which in German is üben and in the Scandinavian languages øve/öva, is, briefly put, a form of activity in which you seek to improve some part of yourself through repeated efforts.

    Recently, one of our colleagues, Dillon Landi, made us aware that this practising model is particularly relevant for teaching during the pandemic. While we did not have remote teaching in mind when we outlined the model, we realise now that it could be a relevant way of coping with the current situation. It can, we believe, guide how teachers can facilitate movement activities for students at home that are both meaningful and educationally relevant.

    In the following, we will describe what remote teaching with a focus on practising might look like. We hope it can inspire teaching methods that add to the list of pedagogical options available for teachers during the pandemic.

  • 11.
    Agné, Pia
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Hård af Segerstad, Kristina
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Tränare och Riksidrottsförbundets policydokument, Idrotten vill: en studie med fokus på barnfotbollstränare utifrån ett Idrotten vill perspektiv2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Uppsatsen handlar om fotbollstränare för barn inom föreningsidrotten och då främst om att synliggöra den verksamhet som tränarna bedriver ur ett Idrotten vill perspektiv.

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Studiens syfte är att undersöka om fotbollstränare i sin verksamhet för barn och ungdom i storklubbar använder och bryr sig om Riksidrottsförbundets policydokument Idrotten vill.

    Frågorna som vi utgick ifrån var:

    • Arbetar tränarna (medvetet eller omedvetet) efter de riktlinjer som Riksidrottsförbundet (RF:s) policydokument föreskriver.

    • Om inte dokumentet (Idrotten vill) är utgångspunkten för verksamheten, vad används istället.

    • Vilken betydelse får det för verksamheten om inte dokumentet ligger till grund för tränaren?


    För att få en uppfattning om fotbollstränares kunskap om och praktiska tillämpning av policydokumentet för barn och ungdomar i storklubbar valde vi att intervjua fem barn- och ungdomstränare. Fyra av tränarna kom från storklubbar i storstadsregionen. Med storklubb menar vi klubbar som har sin verksamhet i större städer. Den femte tränaren var från en storklubb utanför storstadsregionen. Alla tränarna var män.


    Resultatet visar att RF:s policydokument, Idrotten vill inte har implementerats i föreningarnas verksamhet. Riktlinjerna för barnidrott följs inte av de intervjuade tränarna från storstadsregionen.


    Idrotten vill dokumentet har till synes liten inverkan på tränarnas verksamhet för 10 -åringarna i storstadsregionen. Tränaren utanför storstadsregionen följer noga sin förenings policydokument vilket inte verkar vara fallet i storstadsregionen. Av svaren kan vi dra slutsatsen att tävling och rangordning prioriteras före allsidig utveckling i barnens fotbollsverksamhet. Uttagning till utvecklingslag sker ibland före 10 års ålder vilket går stick i stäv med Idrotten vills riktlinjer. Alla fotbollstränarna från storstadsregionen använder sig oftast av sin egen fotbollserfarenhet vid planering av barnidrottsverksamheten. Fotbolltränarnas egen erfarenhet kan innehålla Svenska fotbollsförbundets basutbildning och mångårig erfarenhet av eget spel. Man kan fundera över om Svenska Fotbollförbundets utbildningar och egen erfarenhet från träning och spel avspeglar de värderingar kring barnidrott som skrivs fram i Idrotten vill.


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  • 12.
    Ahlgren, Erik
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Broström, Daniela
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    ”Kan jag verkligen simma?”: en jämförelse mellan skattad och faktiskt simförmåga bland elever i årskurs 62015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this study is to examine swimming ability for students in grades 6 and to compare pupils’ estimated and actual swimming ability based on knowledge requirement for swimming in Lgr11.

    1. What percentage of the pupils estimate themselves as swimmers?

    2. What percentage of the pupils are swimmers according to the observation?

    3. Are the pupils’ estimated swimming ability in line with their actual ability to swim?


    The study intended to investigate both estimated and actual swimming ability. Therefore, two different methods were used, a survey and an observation of a swimming test. The survey and observation were carried out at one time, and were based on the knowledge requirement for swimming in the Swedish curriculum Lgr11. The survey measured the pupils’ estimated swimming ability and the test measured the pupils’ actual ability to swim. The comparison between estimated and actual swum distance was conducted with a paired t-test and the comparison between estimated and actual swimming ability was conducted with a Chi2 test. The sample consisted of 102 students in elementary schools 6th grade from two schools in Stockholm County.


    All participants stated that they can swim.

    89.6% of the students could be considered as swimmers based on the estimation and 97% of the students could be considered as swimmers based on the swimming test.

    There was no significant difference between the pupils estimated and their actually completed distance.

    There was no significant difference between the pupils estimated and their actual swimming ability, however, there was a tendency that the pupils underestimated their ability.


    The conclusions are that the survey results for the proportion of swimmers students (97%) agree well with the results from the Skolverkets (2014) recent report (95.4%), and that students tend to underestimate their swimming ability.

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  • 13.
    Ahlgren, Erik
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Broström, Daniela
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Simundervisning, på lika villkor?: En undersökning av hur lärare i Stockholms län bedriver sin simundervisning2014Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställning:

    Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur grundskolelärare i idrott och hälsa, verksamma i Stockholms län, bedriver sin undervisning mot simkunnighet. Detta syfte besvaras med hjälp av följande frågeställningar:

    • Hur definierar lärare i idrott och hälsa begreppet simkunnighet?
    • Hur arbetar lärare i idrott och hälsa för att uppnå simkunnighet hos eleverna?
    • Vilka faktorer anser lärare i idrott och hälsa påverkar simundervisningen?


    För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med grundskolelärare i idrott och hälsa, verksamma i Stockholms län. Urvalet baserades på två parametrar, avstånd till simhall och ekonomi.


    Resultatet visar att lärarna bedömer elevernas simkunnighet utifrån definitionen i Lgr11, men att de använder sig av den nordiska definitionen vid simtester. Samtliga lärare arbetar för att eleverna ska nå simkunnighet genom att bedriva olika former av simskola och simträning. Gemensamt mål med all undervisning i simning är att eleverna ska nå kunskapskravet, ’’eleven kan även simma 200 meter varav 50 meter i ryggläge’’ (Skolverket 2011, s. 58-61). En av faktorerna som styr hur simundervisningen bedrivs är just lärarnas mål med undervisningen, att eleverna ska nå kunskapskravet. Övriga faktorer som påverkar hur simundervisningen bedrivs är avstånd till simhall samt skolledningens inställning, vilken påverkar lärarens resurser såsom ekonomiskt upplägg, tillgång till personal och tid för undervisning. Resultatet visar även att faktorer som påverkar elevernas möjlighet att nå simkunnighetskravet är elevens fysiska förutsättningar (ex. motorik och kondition) och bakgrund (etnisk, religiös och kulturell).


    Utifrån studiens resultat är slutsatserna att kunskapskravet för simkunnighet i Lgr11 borde kompletteras till den nordiska definitionen av simkunnighet, “Simkunnig anses den vara som kan falla i vattnet, få huvudet under ytan och efter att åter ha tagit sig upp till ytan, kan simma 200 meter på djupt vatten varav 50 meter på rygg” (Svenska simförbundet 2014-08-21). Detta för att bidra till en mer likvärdig undervisning och bedömning. Undervisningen på skolor är situationsanpassad och målet med simundervisningen är att eleverna uppnår kunskapskravet. Den starkaste faktorn som påverkar simundervisningens upplägg är avståndet till simhall och den största faktor till att elever inte uppnår simkunnighet beror på elevens fysiska förutsättningar och bakgrund. Resultatet pekar mot att det snarare är ett områdes socioekonomiska situation än kommuninvånarnas ekonomiska förutsättningar som påverkar simkunnigheten.

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  • 14.
    Ahlqvist, Caroline
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Jacobsson, Elin
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    "Jag bedömer vad jag ser": En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares syn på bedömning och lärande i förhållande till elevers klädval2022Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka idrottslärares upplevda förmåga att bedöma elevers allsidiga rörelseförmåga i förhållande till deras klädval. Frågeställningarna var enligt följande: Hur uppfattar idrottslärare att elevers kläder kan påverka deltagandet på lektionerna?; Hur uppfattar idrottslärare att elevers kläder kan påverka lärandet? samt Hur uppfattar idrottslärare att elevers kläder kan påverka bedömningen av allsidig rörelseförmåga? 



    Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem verksamma högstadielärare spridda i Stockholmsområdet. Intervjuerna genomfördes enskilt och utgick från en framtagen intervjuguide, detta för att säkerställa att samtliga frågor täcktes in. Intervjuformen fungerade även som ett stöd så att samtalen kunde flöda fritt för att få ett så stort djup som möjligt. Intervjuerna analyserades och teman utkristalliserades för att slutligen besvara frågeställningarna.



    Resultatet visade att samtliga lärare ansåg att kläderna påverkar rörelseförmågan. Klädvalet var i större fokus än själva ombytet till lektionerna i Idrott och hälsa, och så länge läraren kunde se elevens fullständiga rörelseomfång kunde också rätt bedömning ges. Samtliga lärare framhävde också vikten av fingertoppskänsla, att känna till varje enskild elevs personliga inställning till sitt klädval och vad som ligger bakom valet. Lärarna var också eniga kring några av de mest framträdande orsakerna till varför de tror att elever inte byter om, såsom elevernas rädsla att gå ifrån sin identitet och kliva ur den roll som kläderna symboliserar, otrygghet i omklädningsrummet och ointresse för ett högt betyg i ämnet. Även vikten av lämpliga skor framhölls av lärarna där både rörelseförmågan men också säkerheten var av stor betydelse.  



    Krav på ombyte nämns inte läroplanen – lärare kan därför inte tvinga elever att byta om. Dock menade lärarna att bedömningen och elevernas egna lärande påverkas om de kommer med kläder som inte är aktivitetsadekvata. I ämnet ingår det att varje elev ska kunna planera och genomföra aktiviteter på ett hänsynsfullt och säkert sätt (Skolverket, 2022a). 

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    Jag bedömer vad jag ser
  • 15.
    Ahlström, Johan
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Spring, Johanna
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    "Antingen är idrotten succé eller katastrof": En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares utmaningar med elever med NPF-anpassningar2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose and Research Questions: The purpose of the essay is to examine how well teachers in primary schools perceive that the education they have received has provided them with the prerequisites to meet students with neurodevelopmental disorders (NPF) in primary education.The study also aims to investigate the specific practices they employ and the professional development they have undertaken in connection to neurodevelopmental disorders. The research addresses three main questions:

    - What experiences and challenges do physical education and health teachers face when working with adaptations for students with neurodevelopmental disorders?

    - How do teachers perceive the education they have received in this area?

    - How do teachers experience their access to support and professional development opportunities?"

    Method: Employing a qualitative approach, the authors conducted interviews with five physicaleducation teachers, each with diverse professional backgrounds but sharing a common graduation from the Gymnastics and Sports University. Thematic content analysis was applied to process the gathered data.

    Results: The teachers' efforts in NPF adaptations are influenced by challenges such as ademanding environment and time constraints. Issues with facilities, scheduling, and maintenanceimpact students' engagement. Despite limited time, teachers stress the importance of allocating time for adaptations and express a desire for more planning time. Regarding teacher education, aunanimous perception emerges of in adequate knowledge about NPF diagnoses from the Gymnastics and Sports University, which predominantly focuses on physical disabilities. The availability of professional development and additional education varies based on the interest andsupport from school leadership. Networking and knowledge exchange with other schools and colleagues are seen as valuable in addressing challenges. In summary, teachers' experiences highlight the need for resources, time, and education to establish an inclusive learningenvironment for students with NPF diagnoses.

    Conclusion: Teachers encounter deficiencies in education related to Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NPF) and face challenges in accessing relevant professional development. Time constraints and financial barriers impact their knowledge acquisition. Insufficient support,particularly concerning time and adapted environments, hinders their ability to assist students with NPF. Enhancing relationship education, increasing accessibility to professional development, andactive support from schools can promote an inclusive learning environment for students with NPF diagnoses.

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    Antingen är idrotten succé eller katastrof - Ahlström och Spring
  • 16.
    Ahnström, Sandra
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Hälsoskolor kontra ”vanliga” skolor: skiljer sig undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa?2005Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this study is to investigate how schools who have a health concentration and schools who haven’t are teaching physical education and if possible compare these schools.

    This study is based on following questions: How do schools with a health concentration and schools who haven’t, in compulsory school, teach physical education and health. How do physical education teachers describe their teaching and how do the students describe it.


    My study is a qualitative study based on interviews with teachers and students from different schools. The interviews have been made on four different schools from all over the country. I have interviewed one physical education teacher and four students, two boys and two girls, from each school. The schools, participating in the study, are one health promoting school from the northern part of Sweden, one health school from Stockholm, one “ordinary” school from Stockholm and one “ordinary” school from the ambient parts of Stockholm.


    The physical education teaching doesn’t part between schools who have a health concentration and schools who haven’t. The pupils´ on every interviewed school consider that the teaching contain different activities. The most common activities according to the pupils´ are ballgames, gymnastics and strength. Most of the pupils interviewed have the opinion that physical education and health is fun. Both physical education teachers and the pupils think that the learning’s are connected with health. The teachers think that the pupils´ possibility to influence the teaching is much bigger than what the pupils think.


    In the end I reached the conclusion that the teaching in physical education and health, didn’t contain any differences between the schools who had a health concentration and schools who hadn’t.

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  • 17.
    Aitalaakso, Karoliina
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Pirttimäki, Meri-Tuuli
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Ämnet idrott och hälsa och fysisk aktivitets akuta effekt på gymnasieelevernas kognition2020Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The aim of this study is to explore whether physical activity in the physical education has a direct positive effect on the high school students' short-term memory and working memory.

    Research questions are following:

    1. Does acute physical activity have a direct positive impact on short-term memory and working memory in high school students?
    2. Are there any differences between female and male participants on performance in the cognitive tests?


    The sample size was 84 participants (high school students) aged 15-20, of which 23 women and 61 men. Seven different high school classes were needed to reach this number of participants. The participants were divided into two different groups. Group 1 conducted cognitive tests (TMT-A, TMT-B and free recall) without physical activity first. One week after, group 1 performed cognitive tests after physical activity. Group 2 made the arrangement in reverse order. These groups were randomly determined.


    On the TMT-A and free recall, no significant results were obtained before or after physical activity. The group that conducted physical activity on the second test day performed better on TMT-B test after physical activity while group 2 performed better after rest. There was a significant difference between female and male participants in group 1. Female and male participants both performed better after physical activity compared to rest, but female participants improved more.


    Physical activity did not have any significant effect on performance in the cognitive tests of working memory and short-term memory. Physical activity can though benefit high school students to cope with cognitively demanding tasks. However, this needs to be explored more in the school setting.


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  • 18.
    Ajger, Joakim
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Idrott och hälsa på ett yrkesförberedande gymnasium: En pilotstudie på Fredrik Bremers fordonsprogram årskurs 12008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Med denna uppsats vill jag belysa hur elever på Fredrik Bremer, yrkesförberedande gymnasium åk 1 prioriterar ämnet idrott och hälsa. Hur viktigt anser de att ämnet är för dem nu, i framtiden och i kommande yrkesroll? Jag vill även undersöka om de har förslag på förändringar i undervisningen. I så fall, vilka?


    Undersökningen är av kvalitativ art och bygger på intervjuer. Jag har valt att använda mig av gruppintervjuer med en utformad intervjuguide. Jag agerade som frågeställare. Elever från fordonsprogrammet åk 1, (läsår 07/08) från tre klasser blev intervjuade. Det totala antal elever på fordonsprogrammet årskurs 1, är 48 stycken. Jag valde sedan ut och fördelade eleverna i 3 grupper med 4st i varje. Med stöd av intervjuguiden öppnade jag upp till en diskussion som inspelades med diktafon.


    Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes i en kort sammanfattning efter intervjuerna. I det avslutande diskussionskapitlet görs en större analys och reflektion.

    Man kan kort sammanfatta det eleverna säger med: att samtliga elever tycker ämnet är viktigt. Den största andelen av eleverna anser sig ha en bra hälsa.

    På frågan om vad de anser om ämnet nu på gymnasiet jämfört med på högstadiet så säger samtliga att det var bättre på högstadiet. Man ansåg att det fanns en bättre struktur, ett bättre ledarskap och en mer varierad undervisning. Eleverna förstår också vikten av ämnet inför kommande yrkesroll. Det säger att de förstått innebörden av ergonomin. Eleverna är mycket missnöjda med utfallet av undervisningen av både ergonomin och idrott/hälsa. De föreslår en rad förbättringar.


    Det studien kommit fram till är att ämnet idag inte fungerar som eleverna önskar. Eleverna ser gärna en rad förändringar exempelvis, tydligare ledarskap, mer strukturerat upplägg, en större variation, ett större medinflytande i ämnet. Idrott och hälsa väcker mycket känslor. Insikten om hur viktig hälsan är visar eleverna stor kunskap om. Vid övergången till gymnasiet försvinner mycket av glädjen och motivationen.

    Gymnasieskolan har en viktig uppgift att ta hand om, utveckla och bejaka elevernas intresse för ämnet. Att så inte sker fullt ut på Fredrik Bremer gav mig en tankeställare på om hur vi som lärare mer måste ”lyssna in” vad eleverna anser. Viktiga variabler som kan förbättras anser jag vara elevinflytande, struktur, tydligt ledarskap, variation, anpassning av undervisningen till elevunderlaget.

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  • 19.
    Akan, Mert
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Sellman Villalobos, Christopher
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Omklädningsrummet: En kvantitativ studie om elevers upplevelse av förekomsten av mobbningssituationer i omklädningsrummet i samband med idrottslektionerna2024Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte & Frågeställningar

    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur elever i årkurs 9 trivs i omklädningsrummen i anslutning till idrottslektionerna. Undersökningen utgår utifrån följande tre frågeställningar: - Hur trivs eleverna i omklädningsrummet?, Vilka faktorer anser eleverna främst bidrar till att kränkande behandling, diskriminering och trakasserier uppstår i omklädningsrummet? och Vilken betydelse har sociala medier och mobiltelefonen i mobbningssituationer i omklädningsrummet?


    För denna studie valdes en kvantitativ metodologi i form av en enkätundersökning för att kunna nå en bredare målgrupp. Utifrån frågeställningarna formulerades 15 frågor till undersökningen, och totalt 166 svar lämnades in av respondenterna. Respondenterna består av skolelever i årkurs 9. Tre skolor och tio klasser var inblandade i denna studie. Två av skolorna har mobilförbud, medan den sista har partiellt mobilförbud.

    Resultat & Slutsats

    På en fem gradig skala hamnade medelvärdet på strax över fyra (4,10) när vi sammanställde resultatet från de 166 svaren vi hade fått in angående hur trygga eleverna kände sig i omklädningsrummet. Det var 14,5% av respondenterna som någon gång hade utsatts för kränkande behandling, diskriminering eller trakasserier och det var 28,5% som svarade att de hade bevittnat när andra hade blivit utsatta. Den mest förekommande formen av mobbningssituation var verbala trakasserier, genom kränkande ord eller elaka kommentarer. Det undersöktes även om sociala medier och mobiltelefonens betydelse i omklädningsrummet kopplat till mobbning. 35 elever (21,5%) svarade att de hade varit med om att mobilen använts för att filma eller fotografera utan tillstånd i omklädningsrummet. Majoriteten av de deltagande eleverna i studien känner sig trygga i omklädningsrummet. Oavsett elevernas upplevda trygghet uppstår fortfarande olika mobbningssituationer i samband med idrottslektionerna. Problemområdet kommer inte att försvinna lätt, men är ett utmanande arbete för både elever och lärare att främja och förebygga det för en bättre skolmiljö. 

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  • 20.
    Akdag, Gülsah
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Specialidrott eller inte?: Kan elever från riksidrottsgymnasiet i karate jämföra sig med svensk karate elit?2014Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    Introduction: Specialised physical education has been in school since the 70’s and has made it possible for many young students to be able to combine school and elite sports at the same time. It has been created RIG (national sports high schools) and the substance special sports education has been added as a course at secondary school. The purpose of RIG was to enable talented young people to combine elite level sports and high school, since high school considered a trigger point for when the elite venture begins. RIG also means to practice a lot and to compete with many of the best in the same age groups. The RIG system has produced many Swedish elite athletes in different sports. Aim and questions: The purpose of the comparison is to se whether RIG- training may have contributed to the development of high school students so that they can be compared with national elite. Is there any difference between national elite and karate upper secondary students in jump, reaction and explosiveness in relation to specific jump tests? Are there any difference between national elite and karate upper secondary students in training plans and goals? How do the RIG-education develop students to get to the elite level? Method: Jump Tests as optimal drop jump test (DJ), countermovmenttest (CJM), squat jump (SJ) and stiffness jump was performed. The test subjects ware three women and nine men students. The test subjects from the national team consisted of four women and eight men. There was also a survey that aimed to identify the athletes training schedules and goals with their workouts. Results: There were significant difference in the womens group on drop jump 40 cm test and CJM. Men's results revealed significant differences in SJ with visual reaction in height and stiffness jump average contact time. According to the survey, it was a differs in a half strength and fitness workouts between national active athletes and students. Both groups trained match training and situational training, but only students accrual their training in the form of pre-, during- and post-season and trained technique training. The students also had more specific goals with training. Conclusion: The education aim to enable students to take responsibility for their training and for each grade train more elite-oriented and systematically to reach the elite, the curriculum in this education and the continuous training have led the students to develop towards achieving elite level. This seems to have been among the contributing factors to that there are few significant differences between groups in relation to the tests and survey questions. RIG-students can compare themselves to national elite in relation to the jump test, training schedules and goals. Students have clearer goals and more planned approach to training than national elite.

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  • 21.
    Akhras, Lina
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Doxastaki, Marianna
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Hur mår Stockholms gymnasieelever idag?: en undersökning om psykisk hälsa i skolan2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Aim and research questions: The aim of the study is to examine high school students' perception of their own mental health. The study also aims to investigate students' perception and need for mental health education within the school subject Physical Education. The study's questions are the following: 1. How do high school students describe their own mental health? 2. What is the differences between girls' and boys' perception in terms of their mental health? 3. What percentage of high school students believe they are in need of education about mental health? 4. What percentage of high school students consider that the education regarding mental health within the subject Physical Education is adequate and perceived as health-promoting?

    Theory and method: The study's approach is quantitative and the method of data collection consists of a questionnaire. The questionnaire explores high school students' mental health in relation to Antonovsky's KASAM theory and aspects that affect students' perception and need for education about mental health within the school subject Physical Education. A total of 270 high school students participated in the study.

    Results: The high school students rate their own mental health status as "average", of which boys estimate their mental health status slightly higher than girls. The majority of the high school students believe that they are in need of education regarding mental health within the subject Physical Education. More than two-thirds of high school students believe that the education about mental health is adequate and health-promoting.

    Conclusions: The survey's conclusions are that high school students' perception of their own mental health leans more towards a worse rather than a better. The accompanying consequence that girls estimate their mental health as slightly worse than boys indicates that more focus is required on girls in school. The study indicates that today's education about mental health should improve. Furthermore, efforts are required from municipal and state authorities which in turn will give teachers the opportunity to develop their teaching method in the form of various resources. Teaching the subject Physical Education should aim to develop students' mental health regardless of their mental health status in order to promote and maintain health. Ultimately, these factors contribute to better public health.

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  • 22.
    Akkanen, Anita
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Sundström, Malin
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Effekter av en idrottspsykologisk utbildningsintervention för friidrottstränare: med fokus på tränares förhållningssätt och ungdomars motivation och upplevelse av tävlingsnervositet2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    Aim: Since there is a lack of research based educational interventions concerning the relationship between coaches and young athletes, the aim of this study was to implement and examine the effects of sport psychology intervention for coaches in a track and field club. The research questions were: What are the effects of an educational intervention for coaches, with focus on a motivational climate, on: A) the coaches´ coaching approach B) their athletes´ goal orientation and C) their athletes´ perceived competitive anxiety?

    Method: The coach education stretched over two months and consisted of four two-hour lessons with focus on motivational climate, goal orientation and sport anxiety. Six coaches (three females, three males), aged 38-52 (M=44.33 years, SD=4.84) and their 59 athletes (27 males and 32 females) aged 12-14 (M=13.10 years, SD=0.82), participated in the study. A control group of 35 athletes (10 males and 25 females), of the same age (M=13.46 years, SD=0.70) and with similar demographic data, was also recruited. Potential effects of the intervention on the coaches and athletes were captured by measuring key constructs twice (pre-/post-test). Measures included a study-specific motivational climate questionnaire for the coaches and two validated questionnaires for athletes: the Achievement Goal Scale for Youth Sports (AGSYS; Cumming, Smith, Smoll & Grossbard 2008) and Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2; Smith, Smoll, Cumming & Grossbard 2006). Descriptive statistics, repeated ANOVA and repeated MANOVA were used to analyze the data.

    Results: The analyses showed that the participating coaches experienced positive behavioral changes among themselves regarding support of autonomy, belonging, competence, and encouragement to task orientation, five months after the intervention had taken place (F (1, 5) = 6.49, p < .051,  = .56). The analyses did not reveal any statistically significant changes concerning neither the athletes´ goal orientation nor sport anxiety over time or compared to the control group.

    Conclusions:The study indicates a continuous need for longitudinal research based sport psychology interventions, especially towards individual sports since they, in many ways, differ from team sports. Future studies ought to complement with qualitative measurements which can bring deeper understanding of how, when and why changes occur. Despite loss effects in the athletes, the coaches´ perceived behavioral changes in themselves indicate that educational interventions are worthwhile in the long run.


    Key words: coaches, competitive anxiety, motivation, motivational climate interventions, youth

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  • 23.
    Al Djezani, William
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Baydono, Gabriel
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Kan rörelse och dans utmana könsuppfattningar i idrott och hälsa-ämnet?: En kvalitativ undersökning om hur idrottslärare arbetar könsneutralt i momentet rörelse och dans2020Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this study was to find out how physical education teachers work with gender neutralization within the subject movement and dance. The purpose is concretized in three issues:

    • How do physical education teachers break the gender norms in the moment movement and dance?
    • How do physical education teachers perceive students' views on gender norms in the momentum movement and dance?
    • How can the physical education teacher’s statements be understood from a feminist post-structuralist perspective?


    To achieve the purpose of the survey, a qualitative method was therefore selected in the form of semi-structured interviews. In this study we had choose to interview four high school teachers in physical education, in the Stockholm area. Based on the respondents' responses, the theme was formed. The theoretical starting point of this study was feminist post-structuralism.


    The results showed, according to PEH-teachers, that boys have a more negative attitude towards dancing compared to girls. The results also showed that some discourses on gender norms dominate the teachers' way of understanding gender and dance and their way of teaching dance in PE and health. The result also showed that as a teacher, the way of working needs to be formed based on that all students are individuals and to not focus on their gender and to have a gender-neutral way of working


    The conclusion that can be drawn in this study is that interviewed PEH-teachers are working to strive for what they perceive to be a gender-neutral way of working in the movement and dance. The study shows that students are still shaped by society about what they think and think about dance. PEH-teachers believe that girls are more positively attuned to dance than boys. Discourses emerge that dance is still "girly" which leads to guys avoiding dance lessons.

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  • 24.
    Al Fakir, Ida
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Ett instrument för samhällsförändring?: Arne Trankell och den pedagogiska forskningen om romer och invandrare2024In: Pedagogikens politik: Utbildningsforskning och utbildningspolitik under efterkrigstiden / [ed] Anders Burman, Joakim Landahl & Anna Larsson, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola , 2024, p. 147-167Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 25.
    Al Fakir, Ida
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    The right to what? The development of children’s sport in Sweden during the twentieth century2024Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Alagic, Adis
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Bayat, Sara
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    ”Äsch, det är bara att rulla ut bollen!”: En kvalitativ studie om hur idrottslärare i år 7-9 motiverar sitt val av bollspel som moment2022Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställning

    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur idrottslärare i år 7-9 motiverar sitt val av bollspel som moment i relation till kursplanen, det centrala innehållet och kunskapskraven. Utifrån syftet har följande frågeställningar formulerats.

    • På vilket sätt motiverar idrottslärare i år 7-9 bollspel i relation till kursplanen och det centrala innehållet i idrott och hälsa?
    • På vilket sätt motiverar idrottslärare i år 7-9 bollspel i relation till kunskapskraven i idrott och hälsa?


    Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är den salutogena KASAM-modellen. En kvalitativ metod valdes för att få en djupare kunskap och förståelse för frågeställningen. Metoden som valts är semistrukturerade intervjuer där rapportförfattarna utgår från förutbestämda frågor men kan även ställa följdfrågor utifrån respondentens svar. Samtliga respondenter arbetar i år 7-9 i fyra olika kommunala grundskolor i en storstad i Sverige.


    Bollspel motiveras utifrån att elevernas samarbetsförmåga främjas och att roliga bollspelslektioner kan motivera elever till fysisk aktivitet. Genom att få utöva olika bollspel kan elever lära sig olika komplexa rörelser och få en grund i flera bollsporter. Elever bedöms i hur väl de deltar och hur väl de anpassar sina rörelser till olika aktiviteter. Utöver det bedöms elever i om de kan förebygga skador och beskriva risker som finns i bollspelet samt huruvida de kan sätta upp mål och planera sin träning.


    Denna studie förstärker bilden av att bollspel är frekvent förekommande i idrottsundervisningen. Bollspel är ett bra sätt för eleverna att lära sig att kombinera olika kroppsdelar i de bollspelen som förekommer i undervisningen. Bollspel kan främja fysiska förmågor som kondition och styrka men även dansförmåga. Det framkommer dock att bollspelet kan inverka negativt på grund av tävlingsmomentet. Resultatet indikerar även att kursplanen är otydlig och lämnar utrymme för tolkningar vid bedömning.

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    ”Äsch, det är bara att rulla ut bollen!”: En kvalitativ studie om hur idrottslärare i år 7-9 motiverar sitt val av bollspel som moment
  • 27.
    Allström, Henrik
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Komplex rörelse med en god kvalité", vad är det?: En kvalitativ undersökning bland lärare i idrott och hälsa på gymnasiet.2013Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The aim with this essay is to investigate how six PE teachers asses the students in context to a complex movement structure with a good quality. The questions in this essay are

    How do four PE teachers interpret the expression "Complex movement structure with great movement quality"? Do the teachers have any mutual frame of reference regarding this knowledge? How do the PE teachers think about the progression from primary school to high-school regarding complex movement structure with great movement quality? Do the PE teachers have any tools to assess the students’ knowledge based on these words?


    Qualitative interviews with half structured questions were used as method in this essay. Six PE teachers from Stockholm participated and the sex was equal. The PCK theory was used as theoretical frame.


    The teachers claimed that many parts in a movement make it complex. Good technique, tactics, good condition and team sports was common examples for a complex movement.

    The students must, according to the teachers have to know many different movements in different activities before they can call it good movement quality.

    Measure tools to asses these movements were common among three of the six PE teachers.

    No one of the teachers had any assessing frame according to complex movements with great quality

    Individual adaptations, interest and developing movements was common answers according to the progression.


    The teachers’ thoughts about complex movements, progression and quality were in line with previous research. 50% of the teachers had no tools to measure these movements.

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    "Komplex rörelse med en god kvalité", vad är det? - En kvalitativ undersökning bland lärare i idrott och hälsa på gymnasiet
  • 28.
    Almqvist, Jonas
    et al.
    Uppsala universitet.
    Kronlid, David
    Uppsala universitet.
    Quennerstedt, Mikael
    Örebro universitet, Hälsoakademin.
    Öhman, Johan
    Örebro universitet, Akademin för humaniora, utbildning och samhällsvetenskap.
    Öhman, Marie
    Örebro universitet, Hälsoakademin.
    Östman, Leif
    Uppsala universitet.
    Pragmatiska studier av meningsskapande2008In: Utbildning och Demokrati, ISSN 1102-6472, E-ISSN 2001-7316, Vol. 17, no 3, p. 11-24Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The overall aim of the article is to present a pragmatic approach for studies of meaning-making used in the articles of this issue. The approach, which is developed within the SMEDgroup (Studies of Meaning-making in Educational Discourses), mainly builds on the writings of John Dewey, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Michel Foucault. A common ambition for the researchers in SMED is to enable studies and discussions on questions concerning how meanings are made in people’s actions. Another ambition is to carry out these studies beyond assumptions of dualism, essentialism, causality and determinism. In this perspective learning and socialization are viewed in a communicative perspective. We argue in the article that our approach makes it possible, and important, to study meaning-making in action in different kinds of educational practices.


  • 29.
    Almqvist, Jonas
    et al.
    Uppsala universitet.
    Meckbach, Jane
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Forskningsgruppen för pedagogisk idrottsforskning.
    Öhman, Marie
    Örebro universitet.
    Quennerstedt, Mikael
    Örebro universitet.
    How Wii Teach Physical Education and Health2016In: SAGE Open, E-ISSN 2158-2440, Vol. 6, no 4, p. 1-8Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The use of educational computer games in physical education (PE) has become more popular in recent years and has attracted research interest. The aim of the article is to investigate how physical activities and images of the human body are offered by the game. The results show how the “teacher” constituted in the games is one who instructs and encourages the players to exercise and think about their bodies, but not a “teacher” who can help students to investigate, argue, or discuss images of health and the human body. We argue that the use of a wide range and variety of ways of teaching would make the teaching richer and offer a deeper understanding about the body and health.

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  • 30.
    Almqvist, Jonas
    et al.
    Uppsala universitet.
    Öhman, Marie
    Örebro universitet.
    Meckbach, Jane
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Forskningsgruppen för pedagogik, idrott och fritidskultur.
    Quennerstedt, Mikael
    Örebro universitet.
    What do Wii teach in PE?2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In society, video- and computer games are often pointed out as risk factors in relation to physical inactivity, sedentary behaviour as well as increasing levels of obesity. At the same time, computers are an important source of knowledge where IT-competence and IT-experience provide pronounced advantages in society.

    In the middle of this paradox a new type of videogames is introduced, where body movement and physical activity constitute the central element. These games, so called exergames or active video games, are games where physical movement is involved in the game through the use of for example balance-boards, step-up boards and dance-pads. Exergames are now more and more put forward in several countries as interesting tools to use in physical education in order to stimulate young people to be physically active.

    In a recent review and synthesis of research on video games and health, Papastergiou (2009) strongly argues that videogames can offer ”potential benefits as educational tools for Health Education and Physical Education, and that those games may improve young people’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours in relation to health and physical exercise” (Papastergiou, 2009, p 603). However, Vander Schee and Boyles (2010) argue that exergames rather should be seen as a body pedagogy producing certain narrow meanings about health, and that the uncritical implementation of exergames in school is a problematic way to place commercial products in school. Consequently, there are differences in views regarding exergames in educational settings that are worth paying attention to in research about people’s learning about the body, physical activity and health.

    The aim of this paper is to investigate how images of the human body are expected to be learned when using exergames.

    The use of artifacts – physical objects made by humans – is a central part of human life. In fact, there are many activities that would not be possible to perform without the use of them. In schools, students learn to use paper and pencils, computers, vaulting-horses, footballs and so on. How and why artifacts are supposed to be used in educational settings is however not given beforehand (Cuban 1986). The use of artifacts mediates certain meanings about the view of learning and the goals and choices of content in education (Almqvist 2005, Quennerstedt et al in press).

    In this paper, we will use discourse analytical strategies in order to analyse how meanings about the body are expected to be learned when playing exergames. The discourse analytical strategies involve an interest in how processes of discourse constitute how we experience or relate to ourselves as well as our environment (Laclau & Mouffe 1985). Discourses constitute what is possible to say or do as partial and temporal fixations (Foucault 1980). These fixations are imbued with power, values and ideologies. As Evans and colleagues argue: “/…/ health beliefs, perceptions and definitions of illness are constructed, represented and reproduced through language that is culturally specific, ideologically laden and never value free” (Evans et al 2008 p 46).

    To investigate what these games offer we have explored the manuals, the content, the animations of the games as well as the instructions and comments offered during game play. The empirical material consists of exergames most commonly used in schools: Wii fit and Wii sports (sports active).

    In the discourse analysis we have explored what is taken for granted in the empirical material in relation to other possible ways to argue. In this way we can explore what is included and excluded in the games and what is possible to think and act in relation to statements concerning the body.

    The analysis shows how the logic of the game, its animations, instructions and feedback to the player, constitutes the ideal body as a physically active, well-balanced, slim and strong body. The use of the game, the balance board and the hand control, makes it possible to measure and register how the player follows this logic. The analysis also shows how the way the player is supposed to learn about the body is strongly influenced by behaviorism. In the paper we argue that this way of learning about the body is narrow and limited and that it is important to critically discuss the effects of the use of these games in schools.


    Almqvist, Jonas (2005). Learning and artefacts. On the use of information technology in educational settings. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.

    Cuban, Larry (1986). Teachers and machines. The classroom use of technology since 1920. New York: Teachers College Press.

    Evans, John, Rich Emma & Davies Bryan (2008). Education, disordered eating and obesity discourse: Fat fabrications. London: Routledge

    Foucault, Michel (1980). Power/knowledge.  Selected interviews & other writings 1972-1977. New York: Pantheon Books.

    Laclau, Ernesto & Mouffe, Chantal (1985). Hegemony and socialist strategy. Towards a radical democratic politics. London: Verso.

    Papastergiou, Marina (2009). Exploring the potential of computer and video games for health and physical education: A literature review. Computers & Education, 53(3), 603-622.

    Quennerstedt, Mikael, Almqvist, Jonas & Öhman, Marie (in press). Keep your eye on the ball. Investigating artifacts in physical education. Interchange.

    Vander Schee, Carolyn J. & Boyles, Deron (2010): ‘Exergaming,’ corporate interests and the crisis discourse of childhood obesity. Sport, Education and Society, 15(2), 169-185.

  • 31.
    Alvring, Simon
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Jansson, Viktor
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Normkritisk undervisning hos lärare i Idrott och Hälsa: En kvalitativ studie om påverkansfaktorerna klass, kön och etnicitet2014Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The aim of the study was to investigate if and how Physical Education (PE) teachers, with an education from the Swedish school of sports and health science (GIH) and a maximum work experience of 3 years work with norm critical teaching according to the study factors social class, gender and ethnicity. Moreover, an aim has been to investigate what kind of pedagogical tools the interviewed teachers have received from GIH to prepare them how to teach with these factors in mind. Research questions:

    • How do the teachers work norm critical in their teaching according to social class, gender and ethnicity?
    • How has the teacher education at GIH prepared the teachers to work norm critical with these factors?


    The study was carried out in a qualitative perspective and in-depth interviews were used as research method. One PE teacher teaching in the Swedish compulsory school participated in the pilot interview and five PE teachers teaching at Swedish high schools participated in the study. All respondents in the study have finished a teacher program at GIH and a maximum of 3 years’ working experience as a PE teacher. An interview guide was created according to Lindström’s model of PCK.


    The Result shows that the interviewed teachers work in a norm critic way to some degree when it come to gender through discussions and gender tasks. Furthermore the result shows that the respondents show some sort of Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) when it comes to norms regarding gender, something that they do not have when it comes to norms regarding social background and ethnicity. Moreover the result shows that the respondents have acquired a theoretical knowledge and some practical knowledge about gender norms from GIH. When it comes to theoretical knowledge concerning social background and ethnicity norms all the respondents agree that this knowledge have been included minimally in their education. The didactical knowledge about these norms was not included in their education or was discussed at very few occasions.


    The teachers of the study show similar working methods regarding norm critical pedagogy. According to Lindström’s PCK model, the teachers do not work norm critical. Though, they do in some extent work norm critical regarding gender, but this work does not exist regarding the factors social class and ethnicity. The teachers under study rather work actively with the norms and value principle stated by curriculum. Furthermore they work with gender in a task oriented way. The reason for this can be linked to GIH’s teacher program since the education focus on gender, the other factors, social class and ethnicity only is emphasized briefly during the education.

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    Normkritisk undervisning hos lärare i Idrott och Hälsa
  • 32.
    Amsköld, Christoffer
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Strömberg, Malin
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Otrygghet i omklädningsrummet: En undersökning om elevers erfarenheter av otrygghet i omklädningsrummet orsakad av mobilkameror2017Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka gymnasieelevers erfarenheter av otrygghet i skolidrottens omklädningsrum orsakad av kränkande fotografering med mobilkameror. För attta reda på detta utgår vi ifrån frågeställningarna nedan.

    1. Hur många av eleverna har någon gång känt sig otrygga i omklädningsrummet?
    2. För hur många av eleverna har denna otrygghet orsakats av mobilkameror?
    3. Hur många av eleverna har blivit utsatta för kränkande fotografering i omklädningsrummet?
    4. Skiljer sig antalet otrygga tjejer respektive killar.


    Vi genomförde en kvantitativ studie med hjälp av en enkätundersökning innehållande frågor kring elevers personliga upplevelser och erfarenheter från hela skolgången. Populationen var gymnasieelever i Sverige varav urvalet bestod av fyra klasser med sammanlagt 83 elever. Bearbetning av data från enkäterna genomfördes i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultaten analyserades utifrån socialpsykologisk teori och den feministiska objektifieringsteorin.


    Vår studie visar att mer än en tredjedel av eleverna känner en otrygghet i omklädningsrummet i samband med skolidrotten. Problemet är nästan dubbelt så stort hos tjejerna jämfört med killarna, resultaten visar däremot att skillnaden mellan könen inte är signifikant. Elevers kameratillgång i omklädningsrummet visar sig ha en bidragande orsak till otrygghet. En av eleverna från vår studie har även blivit utsatt för kränkande fotografering i skolidrottens omklädningsrum.


    Genom den socialpsykologiska och den feministiska objektifieringsteorin kan vi förklara varför en tredjedel av eleverna känner otrygghet i omklädningsrummet. Med en syn på kroppen som ett objekt jämför de sig själva och andra utifrån samhällets normer. Detta gäller alla elever men framförallt tjejerna, där otryggheten är som störst.

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  • 33.
    Andersson, Bryan
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Eriksson Viklund, Johan
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Gymnasieelevers upplevelse av distansundervisning under Covid-19-pandemin i kursen Idrott och hälsa 1: En kvalitativ studie gjord på tre gymnasieskolor2021Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The aim for this study is to examine the students experiences/perceptions regarding distance education in one of the courses in Swedish physical education and especially one criteria stated in the curriculum. The study further wants to examine the students overall experience and learning process regarding the criteria, and is delimited to students in Stockholms county. Following questions were constructed:    

    • What are the students' perception of distance education regarding the criteria?
    • Has the perception of the learning process regarding the criteria been positive or negative according to the students?
    • In which way do the students feel that it has had positive or negative effects on their learning of the criteria during the distance education?


    To examine the purpose of the study, a qualitative method was applied whereas interviews were used. The study uses semi-structured interviews, in which six students were interviewed. The students are studying in Stockholms county and had Idrott och hälsa 1 during the first year in upper secondary school. The theory of the study is Piaget's play theory regarding schemes and equilibrium. 


    The results clearly showed that students had a negative perception of the distance education, both regarding their own learning of the criteria, and the excitement of the criteria. All of the interviewed students preferred to return to their regular physical education in school rather than continuing the course over distance. The students who participated in the study all had a positive attitude towards physical education in the school and advocated that the physical activity was a missing piece in distance education.


    A conclusion that can be drawn is that the students overall had a negative perception regarding the course idrott och hälsa 1, distance education and the learning process during it. Students didn’t feel the same joy concerning the education compared to the regular lessons in school. They all felt the same about the criteria that was examined in the study. The criteria wasn’t touched as much during the distance education. With Piaget’s theory as base, a conclusion could be drawn that due to the deficient connection between physical activity and the lessons’ content resulted in a negative impact on the students' learning. 

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  • 34.
    Andersson, Carolin
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Randberg, Pontus
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Religiösa dilemman inom idrott och hälsa: En kvalitativ studie om lärares erfarenheter av religiösa dilemman inom idrottsundervisning2021Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka erfarenheter idrottslärare på högstadiet har av att det uppstår dilemman kopplat till elevers religion i samband med idrottsundervisning samt hur de arbetar med och hanterar sådana dilemman. Studiens frågeställningar:

    • Vilka erfarenheter har lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa av att elever begränsas från att delta i idrottsundervisningen på grund av deras religiösa tillhörighet?
    • Vilka lösningar använder lärare sig av för att ge alla elever samma möjlighet att uppnå målen i ämnet?


    I denna studie användes en kvalitativ ansats där kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med fem idrottslärare som har erfarenhet av att undervisa på högstadiet. Urvalet gjordes främst genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Materialet samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer vilket gör att de intervjuade lärarna kan ge utförliga svar och dela med sig av sina erfarenheter vilket kan ge en djupgående förståelse. Fyra av intervjuerna genomfördes på distans via videokonferensprogrammet Zoom medan en intervju skedde på den intervjuade lärarens arbetsplats.

    Resultat & Slutsatser

    Samtliga fem lärare som intervjuats har erfarenhet av att religion vid vissa tillfällen begränsat elever från att delta i idrottsundervisning. Samtliga lärare menar dock att det inte är vanligt utan endast sker vid några få enstaka moment eller tillfällen. Det är framför allt vid simundervisning som det kan bli problematiskt för vissa elever att delta på grund av deras religion och detta gäller främst muslimska flickor. Ett ytterligare moment där vissa religiösa elever ibland begränsas att delta är dans. Några av lärarna har även erfarenhet av att religion påverkar vissa muslimska elevers deltagande i idrottsundervisning när de fastar under ramadan. Lärarnas tillvägagångssätt för att lösa de religiösa dilemman som uppstår är oftast att ha en god kommunikation med de berörda eleverna och deras föräldrar vilket sedan kan mynna ut i att vissa anpassningar görs för dessa elever.

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  • 35.
    Andersson, Dan
    Högskolan i Borås.
    Viktigt ge barnen en rörlig livsstil2014In: Svenska dagbladet, no 24 februari, p. 5-Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    FYSISK AKTIVITET Trots nya kunskaper är vi i dag mer stillasittande än någonsin. Därför blir idrott och hälsa ett av skolans i särklass viktigaste ämnen och en av idrottslärarnas viktigaste uppgifter att inspirera till regelbunden fysisk aktivitet, skriver Dan Andersson.

  • 36. Andersson, Dan
    et al.
    Ekengren, Johan
    Tedman, Karl-Axel
    Tornberg, Rasmus
    Idrott och hälsa: Lärarhandledning2010Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 37. Andersson, Dan
    et al.
    Ekengren, Johan
    Tedman, Karl-Axel
    Tornberg, Rasmus
    Idrott och hälsa: Övningar2009Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 38. Andersson, Dan
    et al.
    Tedin, Per
    Idrott och hälsa: fakta2008Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 39.
    Andersson, David
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Ahl, Ludwig
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Bedömning i ämnet specialidrott: En kvalitativ studie2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose and Research Questions

    The purpose of the study is to investigate the assessment practices for teachers in physical education by exploring their view on evaluation and feedback. 


    How do teachers discuss their assessment practices?

    What practical exercises/games do physical education teachers use to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge?

    How do physical education teachers provide feedback to students regarding assessment?



    In this study, a qualitative approach is employed to address the research questions. The data collection occurred through semi-structured interviews, involving four different teachers from National Sports High Schools (NIU) in various locations around Stockholm. The theoretical framework of the study is rooted in the sociocultural perspective on learning.



    The findings indicate that assessment occurs throughout the academic year, predominantly during practical exercises and games in lessons. The process relies on subjective professionalism and the experience possessed by the teachers. The exercises are tailored to the students levels of knowledge, incorporating a degree of individualization. Feedback to students is provided through formative feedback, as it is deemed to offer students greater opportunities to develop their skills.



    Clear similarities exist in how teachers choose to assess, structure exercises, and provide feedback. Teachers follow similar patterns in the planning of their lessons, incorporating the knowledge requirements of the schools, with the overarching goal of fostering students development in their respective sports.

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  • 40.
    Andersson, David
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Physiology, Nutrition and Biomechanics.
    Ahl, Ludwig
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Physiology, Nutrition and Biomechanics.
    Fotbollsakademiers träning: En kvalitativ studie hur tränarna utvecklar spelare i åldrarna 14-19 år2023Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this study is to get an insight into how boys' soccer academies work to develop their players aged 14-19 years, focusing on how the coaches plan, what exercises they use and how they work with goal setting. Our questions are as follows:

    - How do football academies develop their players aged 14-19 years?

    - What forms of exercises and training arrangements do the trainers use and why?


    The study uses a qualitative method to collect information and to be able to answer the purpose and the questions. Three academy coaches from different clubs chose to participate.The study is based on the socio-cultural perspective on the learning.


    The results showed that periodization over a short period of time is used, as each week is worth the same amount. However, in the weekly cycles, periodization is used and a peak of form until match day takes place. During the exercises, SSG (small sided games) and other forms of exercises with active opponents are used very often. Goal formulation takes place both as a team and individually. There are three individual meetings between each player and the coach, where they discuss, how the player should develop.


    The conclusion is that there are clear similarities and differences between how different football academy coaches plan the training and how they work with it. According to the academy coaches, it is important to have a development plan and that the players should be well rested on match days.

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  • 41.
    Andersson, Eva
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Laboratory for Biomechanics and Motor Control.
    Kallings, Lena
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Åstrand Laboratory of Work Physiology, Björn Ekblom's research group.
    Hultgren, Staffan
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Kraepelien Strid, Eva
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Hälsopedagogprogrammet2014In: Från Kungl. Gymnastiska Centralinstitutet till Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan: en betraktelse av de senaste 25 åren som del av en 200-årig historia / [ed] Suzanne Lundvall, Stockholm: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH , 2014, p. 108-116Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 42.
    Andersson, Fredrik
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Idrottslärares syn på kamratbedömning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa i grundskolan2014Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The aim of the study is to gain insight into how physical education teachers reflect on peerassessment in Physical Education (PE). The study was limited to investigate teachers’ conception of peer assessment. The study also examines whether teachers can describe anymethods of peer assessment that they use or have used in their teaching, and what strategic choices they talk about when they describe their methods.


    Qualitative interviews were used to collect data. The interviews can be referred to as in-depthinterviews with a particular focus on concepts. The interviews are semi-structured in nature as an interview guide was used. The study used a non-probability sample and participants were chosen based upon a subjective selection technique. Five PE teachers in Stockholm (Sweden) were interviewed and their statements were audio recorded. Their statements were transcribed to provide a valid basis for interpretation.


    The results show that the interviewed teachers associate peer assessment with feedback. Furthermore, it appears that four out of five teachers talk about methods of peer assessment. Some of the methods may serve as tools for formative peer assessment. Three out of the five teachers describe video recording when they talk about methods and two out of five teachers describe different kinds of rubric handouts. Four out of the five teachers’ response indicated that that they occupy a dualistic perspective on body and movement as they talk about peer assessment.


    The study describes the diversity and complexity of the concept of peer assessment. It was possible to discern that the teachers who told that they actively use peer assessment have intended on key variables, which could be related to the diversity of peer assessment. It is clear from the teachers rubric handouts that they may have missed important variables whenthey designed their rubrics. The final conclusion is that it is important for teachers who intend to implement peer assessment to look in to the research available. This study recapitulates achecklist, a step-by-step guide and many important variables in the creation of rubric handouts.

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  • 43.
    Andersson, Fredrik
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Respekt i skolan: Elevers och idrottslärares syn på respekt och samarbete i grundskolans lägre åldrar2012Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Syftet med detta forskningsarbete är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur elever och lärare resonerar kring respekt och samarbete.


    Hur resonerar idrottslärare kring samarbete och respekt?

    Hur resonerar elever kring samarbete och respekt?

    Till detta följde en fördjupning av fenomenet respekt.


    Vid datainsamlingen användes tema-intervjuer av halvstrukturerad kraktär då en intervjuguide användes vid samtliga samtal. Då erhölls svar från 6 st informanter, två lärare och fyra elever, samtliga informanter var antingen lärare för- eller elever i grundskolans yngre åldrar.


    Resultatet visade att lärarnas resonemang om respekt handlade om att kunna lyssna på eleverna, att man visar varandra lika värde. En av lärarna uppfattade respekt sammanlänkat med beundran som något positivt och respekt sammanlänkat till rädsla som något negativt. Den andre läraren menade att respekt inte är någon obehaglig känsla men att respekt som beundran var missbruk av respekt. En av lärarna nämnde även att eleverna visade respekt då de tog hänsyn till lärarens roll och inte blev för personliga. Eleverna och lärarna hade en liknande uppfattning om samarbete, flera som jobbar eller gör något tillsammans och att någon inte gör allt. Eleverna framförde att ett respektfullt beteende kunde vara att inte handla destruktivt mot andra eller mot miljön, att hjälpa sina kompisar när de behövde och att lyssna på lärarna. Eleverna hade likväl olika resonemang om respekt om vilka beteenden som gav respekt.


    I resultaten går det att urskilja att elevernas resonemang är lika på vissa punkter. Det finns även en hel del av elevernas resonemang som skiljer sig åt i kompexitet och skarpsynthet. Denna forskning visar att några elever var bättre än andra på att uttrycka sig. En av lärarna hade ett intressant resonemang kring vad detta kan innebära i verkligheten, de elever som var duktiga på att sätta ord kunde göra samma dumma grejer i alla fall. Det är alltså svårt att veta om elever och lärare verkligen agerar utifrån sina resonemangen. Det behövs troligtvis en mer djupgående forskning som tar hänsyn till kroppsliga uttryck för respekt för att få en holistisk bild av lärares och elevers förståelse av respekt och samarbete.

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  • 44.
    Andersson, Frida
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Vångell, Fredrika
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Vem är idrottslärarstudenten vid GIH?: en studie som jämför år 2008 med år 20112011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Aim: The aim of this study was from a sociological approach examine differences and similarities between the students who started the Physical Education Teacher Program at the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences (GIH) in 2008 and 2011.

    • What background has the GIH-student?
    • What sport experience has the GIH-student?
    • What are the student’s perceived knowledge and skills in Physical Education?
    • What attitude towards the subject Physical Education and the Physical Education Teacher Program does the GIH-student have?


    Method: The method used for this study was a quantitative method and the research was carried out through a questionnaire. The questionnaire was answered by 100 students who were accepted in 2011 at the Physical Education Teacher Program (GIH).

    In 2008, data was collected through the same questionnaire answered by 77 students who started their education in 2008. The results from the questionnaire conducted in 2008 were compared with the results conducted in this study. Moreover, the responses were processed in SPSS 19.0 and then analyzed by Bourdieu's three concepts habitus, capital and field.

    Results: The results of the study showed that those students who began the Physical Education Teacher Program at GIH in 2008 and in 2011 were individuals with great interest in sport. There were more students in 2011 who grew up in Stockholm and there were also more students with a foreign background. It was also noted that it has been significantly easier to become accepted to the Physical Education Teacher Program at GIH in 2011 than in 2008. A lower amount of students had experience of competition and leadership in sport in 2011. We could also see that the spread of knowledge and skills related to Physical Education was greater among the students accepted in 2011 than in 2008. Why the students applied to GIH were because it is situated in Stockholm and because of the good reputation the school has. However we could see that this good reputation is not that strong reason for the students in 2011. The majority of the students in both 2008 and 2011 considered that their pupils’ knowledge and skills should be assessed.


    Conclusions: A firm conclusion could not be drawn regarding how the increased number of students who gets accepted to the Physical Education Teacher Program at GIH affects the type of students who apply to the program. The tendency found was that in 2008 the student groups were more homogeneous. In both groups there was deficient knowledge in central parts in Physical Education. Therefore it will be higher requirements on the education to make sure that the knowledge reaches an acceptable ground level in the end of the education.

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  • 45.
    Andersson, Joacim
    et al.
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper.
    Quennerstedt, Mikael
    Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper.
    A Transactional Understanding of Movement Learning2020In: Learning Movements: New Perspectives of Movement Education / [ed] Håkan Larsson, New York: Routledge , 2020, 1Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The chapter clarifies how a transactional approach, by providing a specific view of the relationship between bodies and environments, can inform movement learning analysis. By emphasising classical pragmatism’s central ideas of experience (radical empiricism) and learning (the process of inquiry) two transactional principles are identified and then discussed in relation to empirical research. Methodological challenges, such as how to deal with the individual and social as simultaneous and mutual, and how to handle learning as practical and embodied, are described through previous empirical research. In doing so, the chapter explains how movement have been explored in term of what stands fast for participants in movement, which gaps they experience when they move, and what it means to create relations between old and new experiences. Using concepts of stand fast, gap, and relation transactional informed empirical research has gained detailed descriptions of, for example, how pupils navigate spatial-temporal conditions through movement, establish and maintain habits, achieve stability in terms of cooperation, use aesthetic judgements to make sense of movement, accept or refrain from intergenerational touch and gain balance and manoeuvrability in dinghy sailing. Transactional models used in research can, furthermore, be used by practitioners in order to observe, understand and discuss ongoing movement learning in their own or others’ practices. For example, help learners to identify certain gaps, privilege specific standing fast moments and recognize when and which relations fulfil certain purposes. 

  • 46.
    Andersson, Kristian
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Rask, Mattias
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Samundervisning eller könssegregerad undervisning i ämnet idrott och hälsa?: En kvalitativ undersökning angående idrottslärares val av undervisningsform i ämnet idrott och hälsa.2011Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad i valet av undervisningsform mellan kommunala, invandrartäta högstadieskolor och kommunala, invandrarglesa högstadieskolor i Stockholm. Frågeställningar som söktes svar på var om kön, ålder, utbildning och tidigare arbetserfarenheter påverkar huruvida lärare väljer att använda samundervisning eller könssegregerad undervisning.


    Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie där sam- och könssegregerad undervisning diskuteras. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för denna uppsats är ur ett kulturellt- och könsperspektiv. I den litteratur som vi har tagit del av har vi valt att fokusera på att hitta svar på frågeställningarna för att sedan kunna jämföra dessa med vår egen studie.

    Studien har gjorts med kvalitativa intervjuer av 16 stycken idrottslärare på kommunala högstadieskolor. En kvinnlig och en manlig lärare från fyra invandrartäta skolor, respektive fyra invandrarglesa skolor har deltagit i undersökningen. Intervjuerna har haft en låg standardisering och strukturering, detta för att få ut så mycket information som möjligt från intervjuobjekten.

    Resultat och slutsats

    Resultaten som framkommer i studien är att många av idrottslärarna på de invandrartäta skolorna är styrda av aktiviteten, där simundervisning är den mest framträdande. Att hitta tydliga skillnader i om kön och utbildning påverkar valet av undervisning är svårare. Däremot ser vi tecken på att äldre lärare i högre utsträckning använder sig av könssegregerad undervisning. 

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  • 47.
    Andersson, Malin
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Ger fysisk aktivitet bättre studieresultat?: En enkätundersökning om samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och studieresultat2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte och frågeställningar

    Syftet med studien är att undersöka eventuella samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och studieresultat hos elever i årskurs nio i en skola utanför Stockholm. I syfte att utföra detta användes följande frågeställning:

    ● Ger en ökad mängd fysisk aktivitet ett högre meritvärde hos elever i årskurs nio?

    Metod Studien är baserad på en enkätundersökning besvarad av 71 deltagare från tre klasser i årskurs nio på en skola utanför Stockholm. Enkäten innehåller frågor om elevens mängd av fysisk träning, fysisk aktivitet och stillasittande samt en fråga om elevens totala meritvärde från terminen innan. Eleverna fick själva uppskatta mängden tid de spenderade på de olika aktiviteterna. Elevernas meritvärden kontrollerades med skolans betygskatalog för att säkerställa att rätt meritvärde var angivet.

    Resultat Resultatet visade inget samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och studieresultat i form av ökat meritvärde. Det kunde heller inte påvisas något samband mellan fysisk träning och studieresultat. Däremot upptäcktes ett medelstarkt samband mellan ett ökat stillasittande och ett ökat meritvärde.SlutsatsDenna undersökning har inte påvisat något samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och studieresultat hos den undersökta populationen.

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  • 48.
    Andersson, Maria
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Holmberg, Jennifer
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Motorik i skolan: idrottslärares syn på motorisk träning för barn i åldrarna 9-12 år2005Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The aim of this study has been to investigate to which extent planned motor training in physical education exists in classes for children in the age of 9-12. We were also aiming at finding out how planned motor training in physical education is valued by teachers in physical education and if they think they are qualified to teach in motor training. The questions at issue were:

    1. How important is motor training in physical education for the teachers when they plan their lessons?

    2. Are there any adjustments made for children with motor deficiencies?

    3. What kind of exercises do the teachers use to promote motor training among the pupils?

    4. What do the teachers consider the difficulties are with planned motor training in physical education?

    5. Do the teachers consider themselves qualified to teach in motor training?


    The study is a qualitative method in which we used interviews. We have interviewed seven teachers in physical education in Nacka, Värmdö and Stockholm.


    We have noticed that the teachers, at first, did not mention motor training when they freely answered the question of what they thought were important when they planned their lessons. However, when they later on were answered “motor training” as one of the given alternatives, they ranked it as one of the most important factors. Four out of seven teachers utilized individually adjusted training. Most of the teachers put forward that lack of resources were the explanation why this kind of education was not prioritised. All of the teachers agreed that motor training automatically was a part of almost every lesson. However, most of the teachers did not have motor training in their minds when they planned the lesson. The number one issue that makes it hard for the teachers to help every single pupil is the number of pupils in each class. Although the teachers thought that their own education had some deficiencies concerning motor training, the majority felt that they were qualified for the task.


    Overall the teachers thought that physical activity was one of the most important issues. Motor training was also a part of almost every lesson. However, most of the teachers when asked didn´t put it forward, instead they mentioned other areas as more important.

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  • 49.
    Anstrén, Ludwig
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Nauclér, Victor
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Sport and Health Sciences.
    Den nya timplanen för Idrott och hälsa: En studie om idrottslärares undervisning och arbetsbelastning2020Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The aim of this study is to examine how physical education teachers experience the effect and the upcoming effect of their teaching and workload due to the implementation of the new timetable from the autumn semester 2019.

    • How do the PE teachers in grade 7-9 experience the effect of the new timetable in relation to their teaching?
    • How do the PE teachers in grade 7-9 experience the effect of the new timetable on in relation to their workload?
    • How do the PE teachers in grade 7-9 believe their work situation will look like when the complete timetable has been implemented?


    A qualitative method was chosen for conducting the study. Semi-structured interviews were chosen as method. In total, seven physical education teachers from three different schools in Stockholm City were interviewed, all of whom worked with physical education in grades 7–9. The respondents were selected through a convenience selection. The theories used were curriculum and frame factor theory.


    The results showed that the respondents’ possibility to convey their education has improved due to the new timetable. The respondents experienced that the workload was unchanged by the new timetable. However, there was a concern expressed by the respondents in terms of their upcoming work situation concerning facilities, budget, the wear on equipment and whether recruitments must happen to handle the new timetable.


    The respondents' overall picture of the new timetable is positive, and they indicate that the extended teaching hours help the respondents´ to more easily help the students to reach the knowledge requirements. The extended teaching time together with the unchanged curriculum seems to have contributed to increased flexibility regarding the use of time. Nevertheless, there is some concern for the future. The new schedule will probably mean more wear and tear on equipment and some congestion in the teaching rooms as well as the premises adjacent to them. Time, material costs and facilities have been presented as the most important framework factors in the study. It is still unclear how the schools will successfully handle the extended teaching hours based on the conditions of the individual school.

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  • 50.
    Antonsson, Sanna
    et al.
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Jayawardana, Maria
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    "bli av med lite energi": En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring föräldrars föreställning om ämnet idrott och hälsa i årskurs 7.2022Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of the study is to examine parents' perceptions of the subject of sports and healthin grade 7. The study's questions are (1) How do parents view the subject of sports and health? (2) In what way do parents' express themselves around the concepts of experience, performance and training in relation to the subject of sport and health? (3) What do parents' think their children learn in the subject of physical education and health?


    The study is based on a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews with seven parents of children in grade 7. All interviews are conducted through the digital meeting tool Zoom and all interviews were subsequently transcribed. The analysis was done according to Braun and Clark's thematic analysis, which identifies "patterns" in the empirical material. Thestudy's theoretical framework is based on Engström's practices and logic.


    The results of the study show that the parents agree that sports and health is an importantsubject, but they do not know what is required for a certain grade. Competition in physicaleducation is perceived as positive, but respondents are unsure whether there is evidence ofbecoming physically stronger during physical education lessons. It appears that it is importantthat the children have fun and that certain types of activities dominate the teaching. The parents emphasize the importance that movement and physical activity should be prioritized and that the health part and theoretical parts within the subject can come second. According to the respondents, relationship building is an important part of a functioning and developing teaching environment.


    There seem to be general similarities regarding parents' perceptions of their children'seducation in sport and health, as the respondents like to refer to their own experiences and experiences on the subject. The results also indicate that the parents believe that learning takes place with the children in each practice in Engström's theoretical framework.

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