A female PETE culture was gradually established in Sweden during early 1900s. It was built on a division of gender with separate PETE programs for male and female students. The aim of the proposed text is to describe and analyze the challenge of gender constructions and crossing of boundaries that the change from single sex to co-educated programs brought about during late 1970s. The analyze is done from three points of reference: 1/What concrete forms of changes occurred during and after the process of integration, 2/ What values came to be represented?, 3/What power structures remained after the merging of the two former PETE cultures? The empirical material consists of annual reports, curricula documents, film sequences and interviews with former PETE educators. The analyses will departure from a gender perspective and draw on Foucault’s productive concept of power and Bourdieu’s analytical concepts of symbolic capital and symbolic violence. The conclusions are discussed in the light of current time and the field of sport and physical culture.