Friluftsliv och utevistelse i idrottsundervisningen?: en kvantitativ studie med högstadieelever i Danderyds kommun
2013 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Outdoor activity/learning and outdoor recreation in physical education? : A quantitative study with high school students in Danderyd (English)
Abstract [sv]
Syfte och frågeställningar:
Studien avser att undersöka om högstadieelever får prova på friluftsliv och utevistelse i sin idrottsundervisning utifrån kunskapsmålen i Lgr 11 samt hur nöjda de är med momentet friluftsliv och utevistelse.
- Vilka moment inom ämnet friluftsliv och utevistelse får eleverna prova på i sin idrottsundervisning utifrån kursplanen?
- Hur ser de inbördes förhållandena ut mellan momenten inom friluftsliv och utevistelse i idrottsundervisningen enligt eleverna?
Totalt deltog 124 högstadieelever från en skola i Danderyds kommun. Eleverna fick besvara en pilottestad enkät med frågor om deras undervisning i friluftsliv och utevistelse. Enkäten utformades efter kunskapsmålen i Lgr 11. Insamlad data bearbetades i Excel och Statistica.
Resultatet visade att de flesta elever upplever att de fått prova på samtliga moment inom friluftsliv och utevistelse i skolan enligt Lgr 11. Eleverna fick till största del ta lärdom av orientering i okänd miljö med olika hjälpmedel. Även andra moment inom friluftsliv såsom livräddning under olika årstider fick eleverna ta del av men inte i lika stor utsträckning. De moment som eleverna upplevde de fått prova på minst var att själva planera, organisera och genomföra en friluftsaktivitet samt friluftslivets kulturella traditioner.
Studien talar emot tidigare forskning om att friluftsliv är ett bristande moment i skolan. Skolan vi undersökte hade bra förutsättningar för att kunna undervisa och uppnå målen i friluftsliv och utevistelse utifrån Lgr11 med deras geografiska läge. Studiens resultat visar att eleverna fått prova på samtliga kunskapsmål.
Abstract [en]
The aim with the study is to investigate if high school students get to experience outdoor teaching and outdoor activities based on its content within the curriculum Lgr 11 and how satisfied they are with the specific segment as a whole.
Research questions:
- What part of outdoor teaching and outdoor activities do the students get to experience in physical education based on the curriculum Lgr 11?
- According to the students, how does the interrelation between the different segments of outdoor teaching and outdoor activity look like?
A total of 124 students from the eight and ninth grade in Danderyd took part in the study. The students were asked to answer a pilot-tested questionnaire regarding their education in outdoor teaching and outdoors activities. The questionnaire was based on the learning goals from Lgr 11. The collected data were processed in Excel and Statistica.
The result shows that the majority of students feel that they have got to experience all segments from outdoor teaching and outdoor activity as stated in the curriculum Lgr 11. The dominating segment according to the students was orientation in unknown environment with the help of different resources. Other segments within outdoor teaching and outdoor activity, e.g, life-saving training throughout the different seasons was mentioned as well, but not to the same extent. The minority of activities within the segment of outdoor teaching and outdoor activity, i.e, the activities that the students had experienced the least, were to plan, organize and perform outdoor activity, as well as being taught about the cultural traditions that come with outdoor teaching and outdoor activites.
The study argues against previous research that outdoor teaching and outdoor activities is lacking in presence in school. The school where the study took place had good opportunities to teach and to achieve the goals of outdoor teaching stated in Lgr 11, much thanks to their geographical location. The result demonstrates that the students have got to practice all segments within the curriculum Lgr 11.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Examensarbete ; 2013:67
Keywords [sv]
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-3126OAI:, id: diva2:677718
Subject / course
Educational program
Physical Education Teaching
2013-12-102013-12-102013-12-10Bibliographically approved