In the context of education, reflection is often used as a part in teaching and learning process. But what is reflected upon and how can reflection be used as a tool for learning processes in for example physical education? The purpose of this study is to explore reflection as a method for learning on a PETE-program. More precisely the study explores reflective texts from thirteen male students participating in a friluftsliv`s course. The reflective texts have been written during two different mountaineer tours and analyzed through a hermeneutic text analysis. (Stensmo, 2002) In the analysis focus have been given to the student´s reflections about friluftsliv as a phenomena, didactic considerations and aspects of leadership. The study shows that the participants initially focused around supply and equipment as well as outdoor recreation, the value of leaving civilization and to have access to nature. But also thoughts about the education of friluftsliv in a school context came forward during the course. A progression and deepening of reflection emerges between the two mountaineer tours in the participants´ reflective texts suggesting the personal and educational development.