Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH

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Gymnasieelevers motivation & betyg: En kvantitativ studie om sambandet, och könsskillnaderna mellan motivationstyp och betygsambitioner i idrott & hälsa.
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
2024 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
High school students' motivation & grades : A quantitative study of the correlation, and the gender differences between motivation type and grade ambitions in physical education. (English)
Abstract [sv]

Syfte & Hypoteser: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan motivationstyp och betygsambitioner hos gymnasieelever i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Samt att analysera eventuella skillnader mellan könen avseende både motivationstyp och betygsambitionsnivå.

Hypotes 1: Det finns ett positivt samband mellan autonom motivation och höga betygsambitioner.

Hypotes 2: Det finns skillnader mellan könen där killar svarar i högre grad av autonom motivation och tjejer i högre grad av kontrollerad- och amotivation.

Teori & metod: Studien utgick från motivationsteorin Self-determination theory. En kvantitativ ansats valdes där datainsamlingen bestod av en webenkät som var uppdelad i två delar. Den ena delen behandlade bakgrundsfrågor och betyg, och den andra delen mätte motivation. Studiens deltagare bestod av 191 gymnasieelever i Stockholms län som gick kursen idrott och hälsa 1 vid deltagandet (58 killar, 121 tjejer och tolv annat). Analysering av data gjordes genom korrelationstesten Pearsons ́r, Spearmans ́rho och multipel linjär regression. Skillnaderna mellan kön analyserades genom independent t-test och Mann- Whitney U test.

Resultat: Resultaten visade att det fanns ett positivt signifikant samband mellan autonom motivation och betygsambitioner. Det visade även att det fanns ett negativt signifikant samband mellan amotivation och betygsambitioner. Det fanns även signifikanta skillnader mellan könen där killar svarade i högre grad av autonom motivation och tjejer i högre grad av kontrollerad- och amotivation, samt att killar visade högre betygsambitioner.

Slutsatser: Studiens slutsatser är att det är viktigt med en hög grad av autonom motivation för att ha höga betygsambitioner i idrott och hälsa. En hög grad av amotivation har istället visat sig ha ett negativt samband med betygsambitioner i ämnet. Det fanns skillnader mellan könen avseende både motivationstyp och betygsambitionsnivå, dock verkar dessa skillnader inte driva sambandet mellan autonom motivation och betygsambitioner. Framtida forskning skulle kunna utforska metoder och strategier för att skapa autonom motivation hos eleverna. 

Abstract [en]

Aim & hypothesis: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between motivation type and grade ambitions in high school students in the subject of physical education. As well as analyzing any differences between genders regarding both motivation type and level of grade ambition.

- Hypothesis 1: There is a positive correlation between autonomous motivation and high grade ambitions

- Hypothesis 2: There is a difference between genders where boys respond with a higher degree of autonomous motivation and girls with a higher degree of controlled andamotivation.

Theory & method: The study was based on the motivation theory Self-determination theory.A quantitative approach was chosen where the data collection consisted of a web survey thatwas divided into two parts. One part dealt with background questions and grades, and theother part measured motivation. The study's participants consisted of 191 high schoolstudents in Stockholm County who were taking the course “idrott och hälsa 1” at the time of participation (58 boys, 121 girls and twelve others). Analysis of the data was done throughthe correlation tests Pearsons´r, Spearmans´rho and multiple linear regression. Thedifferences between genders were analyzed by independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test.

Results: The results showed that there was a positive significant correlation between autonomous motivation and grade ambitions. It also showed that there was a negative significant correlation between amotivation and grade ambitions. There were also significantdifferences between genders, where boys answered with a higher degree of autonomous motivation and girls with a higher degree of controlled and a motivation, and that boys showed higher grade ambitions.

Conclusions: The conclusions are that it is important to have a high degree of autonomousmotivation to have high grade ambitions in physical education. A high degree of amotivationhas instead been shown to have a negative relationship with grade ambitions in the subject. There are differences between genders regarding both motivation type and level of grade ambition, however, these differences do not seem to drive the relationship between autonomous motivation and grade ambition. Future research could explore methods and strategies to create autonomous motivation in students.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Examensarbete ; 2023:73
Keywords [sv]
Motivation, Ambition, Könsskillnader, Idrott och Hälsa
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-8090OAI:, id: diva2:1834160
Educational program
Physical Education Teaching; Physical Education Teaching
Available from: 2024-02-02 Created: 2024-02-02 Last updated: 2024-02-02Bibliographically approved

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