Aim and Research Questions
In December 2022, at the prize ceremony for FIFA World Cup in Qatar Lionel Messi wasendowed with a traditional garment – a bisht – by the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin HamadAl Thani. Consequently, the bisht was a highly visible part of the Argentinian celebration onthe podium. All was broadcasted throughout the world. Instantly, the event caused an upsurgeof discussion the lively media debate contained cultural praise as well as accusations of bothislamophobia and racism. How can this debate be understood?Social and cultural ideas are entrenched in sport; however, they are not always interpreted thesame way and the incident described above provides an excellent opportunity to study thecontemporary effects of globalization.
The aim of this presentation is to describe and analyze the mediated value laden expressionsfrom a critical cultural perspective the way they were broadcasted in the coverage of the prizeceremony for the FIFA World Cup 2022 by selected sources.
• Which arguments are audible and visible, who present them, where and in whatways?
• How can these arguments be understood as expressions of transnational culturalflows, cultural complexity, globalization and mediatized values?
Theoretical Background and Literature Review
Three decades ago, Hannerz published the now classic book on cultural complexity and thesocial organization of meaning. He described a creolizing world characterized by diversity inorganization. In his words, ‘autonomy and boundedness of cultures must nowadays beunderstood as a matter of degree’ (Hannerz, 1992, p. 261). Moreover, he stated that thedistribution of culture is asymmetrical where internally diverse transnational culture flowsbetween centers and peripheries. Popular culture, such as sport, fits well in the center/peripherystructure and may even model it, according to Hannerz (1992, p. 240).Before the turn of the century, globalization was a key topic among social science researchersinterested in sports (e.g. Maguire, 1999). The risks of global consumer culture eradicating localcultural expressions was debated. Since then, the importance of media has expanded not leastas a mediator of values (Bolin, 2011). At present, the Qatar World Cup caused journalists andfootball fans to address moral concerns related to the placing of the megaevent, and researchersto critique the adverse effects on social and cultural aspects of sports. For instance, Fruh,Archer and Wojtowicz (2023) argue that Qatar’s interest in hosting the event is a clear case ofsportswashing, i.e., to better a dubious moral reputation through distraction from ethicalviolation, reducing or normalizing it.
Research Design, Methodology and Data Analysis
To describe and analyze the mediated value laden expressions broadcasted in the coverage ofthe prize ceremony for the FIFA World Cup 2022 three different media outlets where chosen:Al Jazeera, SVT and BBC. They were expected to have various perspectives on what happenedon screen given their various social and cultural setting. Al Jazeera was chosen as the Qatariexample, BBC as an example from a country renowned for its well-established interest infootball and SVT for convenience purposes.Sport Media and CommunicationSport Media and Communication310310A theoretically informed reflexive thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2019) was performedto describe and analyze the mediated value laden expressions in both text and images.
Results/Findings and Discussion
Preliminary findings to be developed further show how the bisht was used to display Qataricultural values as part of a key event during the World Cup. The bisht can be understood as acultural device initiating a debate on mediated values and later commercial values. Intersectingand conflicting understandings are showcased. For instance, Al Jazeera includes a BBCcommentator questioning the bisht in their edited version of the ceremony which in turn isinterpreted as both racism and islamophobia in the comment section. Argentinian supportersare further portraited as positive both towards the bisht and Messi as their GOAT. By SVT,Qatar is described as hitting the jackpot with the bisht: ‘This image which will be historical,where he wears this Qatari bisht, I’d say, for them they hit the jackpot’ (SVT).
Conclusion, Contribution, and Implication
Hannerz (1992. p. 5) stated that ‘electronic media play a part in shaping and channelingculture’. The following three decades demonstrates a vast expansion globally on mediatizationand the broadcasting of values (Bolin, 2011).To conclude, it may be argued that these values flow transnationally along center/peripheryconnections and inform all involved including football and sports per se. Whether the valuesare regarded as sportwashing and distinctively wrong because it exploits basic sporting valuesto fulfill its aims and makes all involved complicit in the misconducts (Fruh, Archer &Wojtowicz, 2023), or a battle of power in a creolized world, or simultaneously both, is arguablya question of perspective.
Bolin, G. (2013). Value and the media: Cultural production and consumption in digital markets. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Braun, V. & V. Clarke (2019). Reflecting on reflexive thematic analysis, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 11:4, 589-597, DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2019.1628806
Fruh, K., Archer, A., & J. Wojtowicz (2023). Sportswashing: Complicity and corruption. Sport, ethics and philosophy. 17:1, 101-118. DOI: 10.1080/17511321.2022.2107697
Hannerz, Ulf (1992). Cultural complexity. Studies in the social organization of meaning. Columbia University Press.
Maguire, J. (1999). Global sport. Identities, societies, civilizations. Polity.
2023. p. 309-310, article id 275
EASM. 31st European Association for Sport Management Conference, 12th-15th September 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland