Background: We studied associations between emotion dysregulation, self-image and eating disorder (ED)symptoms in university women, and contrasted two indirect effect models to examine possible interveningmechanisms to produce ED symptoms.
Methods: 252 female Swedish university students completed the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale(DERS), the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) self-image measure, and the Eating DisorderExamination Questionnaire (EDE-Q). Correlations between scales were followed by five simple mediationanalysis pairs with two possible pathways using five ED symptom variables as outcome. The models positedeither self-image or emotion dysregulation as mediator or independent variable, respectively. ED symptomswere EDE-Q Global score, objective binge eating episodes (OBE), subjective binge eating episodes (SBE), andtwo variants of EDE-Q excessive exercise.
Results: Emotion dysregulation and self-image were strongly correlated, and both correlated moderately withEDE-Q Global score. There were distinct indirect effects through self-image on the relationship between emotiondysregulation and ED symptoms, but not vice versa. These indirect effects were evident in relation to cognitive EDsymptoms and both OBE and SBE, but not in relation to excessive exercise.
Conclusions: Results suggest that even if closely related, emotion dysregulation and self-image both contributeunique knowledge in relation to ED symptoms. Self-image as an intervening mechanism between emotiondysregulation and ED symptoms is relevant for models of the development, maintenance and treatment of ED, as wellas treatment focus.
BioMed Central (BMC), 2015. Vol. 3, no 1, article id 44