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Ökar låsbara duschbås tryggheten för elever?: En kvantitativ enkätstudie om skolans omklädningsrum för elever i åk 9
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Do lockable shower cubicles increase safety for students? : A quantitative survey study about the school's changing room for students in year 9 (English)
Abstract [sv]

Syfte och hypoteser

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka eventuella skillnader i elevers upplevda trygghet i skolor med låsbara duschbås i jämförelse med skolor utan låsbara duschbås i omklädningsrummet. Studien syftade även till att undersöka ifall låsbara duschbås leder till att elever duschar i högre utsträckning i jämförelse med elever utan låsbara duschbås. Studien innehöll tre hypoteser som är:

- Elever som går i skolor med låsbara duschbås anger i större utsträckning än elever som går i skolor utan duschbås att de duschar efter skolidrotten

- Elever som går i skolor med låsbara duschbås rapporterar en högre upplevd trygghet i omklädningsrummet än elever i skolor utan låsbara duschbås

- Det föreligger ingen skillnad mellan flickor och pojkar avseende upplevd trygghet be-roende på låsbara duschbås


Studien genomfördes med kvantitativ metod där datainsamlingen skedde genom enkäter med 158 elever i årskurs 9 i fyra olika grundskolor. Två av dessa skolor hade låsbara duschbås i omklädningsrummet och två skolor hade inte det. Datamaterialet analyserades med deskriptiv och analytisk statistik i statistikprogrammet Jamovi.


Hypotes 1: Resultaten visar att elever med låsbara duschbås duschar i högre utsträckning ef-ter idrottslektioner i jämförelse med elever utan låsbara duschbås.

Hypotes 2: Resultaten visar att elever rapporterar in högre upplevd trygghet i fyra trygghets-variabler i skolor med låsbara duschbås i jämförelse med skolor utan låsbara duschbås.

Hypotes 3 : Resultaten visar att flickor och pojkar ökar tryggheten i lika stor utsträckning med låsbara duschbås.


Elever i årskurs 9 duschar i högre utsträckning i omklädningsrum med låsbara duschbås samt upplever större trygghet i omklädningsrummet i jämförelse med elever i skolor utan låsbara duschbås. Tryggheten ökar för både flickor och pojkar.

Abstract [en]

Aim and hypothesis

This study aimed to investigate possible differences in students' perceived safety in schools with lockable shower stalls in comparison to schools without lockable shower stalls in the changing room. The study also aimed to investigate whether lockable shower stalls lead to students showering to a greater extent compared to students without lockable shower stalls. The study contained three hypotheses which are:

- Pupils who attend schools with lockable shower stalls reports to a greater extent than pupils who attend schools without shower stalls that they shower after PE

- Students who attend schools with lockable shower stalls a higher perceived safety in the changing room than students in schools without lockable shower stalls

- There is no difference between girls and boys regarding perceived security depending on lockable shower stalls


This quantitative questionnaire survey study was conducted through 158 students in year 9 in four different primary schools. Two of these schools had lockable shower stalls in the chang-ing room and two schools did not have lockable shower stalls. The data was analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics in the statistics program Jamovi.


Hypothesis 1: The results shows that students with lockable shower stalls shower to a greater extent after physical education lessons in comparison to students without lockable shower stalls.

Hypothesis 2: The results show that students report higher perceived safety in four safety variables in schools with lockable shower stalls compared to schools without lockable shower stalls.

Hypothesis 3: The results show that girls and boys increase security to the same extent with lockable shower stalls.


Students in ninth grade shower to a greater extent in changing rooms with lockable shower stalls and experience greater security in the changing room compared to students in schools without lockable shower stalls. Security increases for both girls and boys.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2023. , p. 39
D-uppsats ; 2022:109
National Category
Sport and Fitness Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-7530OAI:, id: diva2:1742536
Educational program
Physical Education Teaching; Physical Education Teaching
Available from: 2023-03-13 Created: 2023-03-09 Last updated: 2023-03-13Bibliographically approved

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