Alla ska vara med!: även muslimska kvinnor i simning
2017 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Everyone should join! : Including Muslim women in swimming (English)
Abstract [en]
Aim and questions
To investigate participation of muslim women in swimming education in secondary school subject sports and health.
- Which experiences do women with a muslim background have of swimming education?
- What obstacles or possibilities do women with a muslim background have for participation in swimming education?
The study was conducted with semi-structured interviews. The interviews where conducted on acquaintances of acquaintances, whom all where women with a muslim background. Subsequently, the interviews were transcribed and analyzed based on a theoretical model consisting of categories related to the two issues in this study. Previous research where also used in the same way, which highlighted the area of this study.
The result indicated that our participants had a positive experience of their swimming classes. The biggest factor to this positive experience however where the schools ability to organize separate classes to those who could not participate in the common ones. When a school did not organize separate classes, our participants generally face two options. Either not to participate and risk not getting a grade, or to challenge their principles and participate anyway, which could lead to bad experiences.
Separate classes where the key to participation amongst the participants in our study. There where both obstacles and possibilities affecting the degree of which separate classes where necessary and the participants were divided on the topic of who were responsible to adapt in the situation.
Abstract [sv]
Syfte och frågeställningar
Är att undersöka muslimska kvinnors deltagande i simundervisning i gymnasieskolans ämne idrott och hälsa.
- Vilka erfarenheter har kvinnor med muslimsk bakgrund av simundervisningen?
- Vilka hinder eller möjligheter har kvinnor med muslimsk bakgrund att delta i simundervisningen?
Studien har genomförts med semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi har intervjuat bekantas bekanta, där samtliga var kvinnor med muslimsk bakgrund. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och analyserats utifrån en teoretisk modell bestående av kategorier som relaterar till studiens frågeställningar samt tidigare forskning som även belyser undersökningsområdet.
Resultatet visade att studiens deltagare hade en övervägande positiv erfarenhet av simundervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Den största bidragande faktorn till detta var skolans förmåga att anordna separat undervisning för de elever som inte kunde delta i en gemensam undervisning. De deltagare vars skolor inte anordnade separat undervisning ställdes inför valet att inte delta och bli utan betyg, eller att gå emot sina principer, vilket kunde leda till obekväma situationer.
Särundervisning var nyckeln till deltagande hos denna studies deltagare. Det fanns både möjligheter och hinder som påverkade i vilken grad separat undervisning va
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Examensarbete ; 2016:93
National Category
Sport and Fitness Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-4796OAI:, id: diva2:1078136
Educational program
Physical Education Teaching; Physical Education Teaching
2017-03-022017-03-022025-02-11Bibliographically approved