Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH

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Title [sv]
PhysEd-Academy: The Physical Education Teacher Academy
Title [en]
PhysEd-Academy: Developing physical education teacher academy to strengthen the quality and attractiveness of the physical education teaching profession for positive youth health outcomes
Abstract [sv]
Syftet är att stärka lärarutbildningen i Europa samt att öka lärarprofessionens attraktivitet. Projektet, som leds av Norges idrottshögskola, är omfattande och består av åtta lärosäten, fyra ungdomsskolor och två organisationer runt om i Europa. I projektet identifieras och utprövas ett antal så kallade signaturpedagogiker för att därigenom bland annat utveckla ett gemensamt yrkesspråk som i sin tur kan utveckla undervisningen i idrott och hälsa.

Samfinansierat av Europeiska unionens Erasmus+ Program.
Abstract [en]
The Physical Education Teacher Academy brings together teacher educators and teachers across Europe to design and deliver evidence-based resources for initial and ongoing physical education teacher training.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Publications (1 of 1) Show all publications
Hordvik, M., Beni, S. & Quennerstedt, M. (2024). A pedagogical and methodological approach for exploring signature pedagogies of teacher education in PE. In: AIESEP 2024 book of abstracts: . Paper presented at AIESEP 2024 International Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, May 13-17, 2024.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A pedagogical and methodological approach for exploring signature pedagogies of teacher education in PE
2024 (English)In: AIESEP 2024 book of abstracts, 2024Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The field of PE has continued to face several grand challenges (e.g. around articulat-ing clear, coherent aims of PE), many of which are present across international con-texts and highly related to initial teacher education (ITE) and continuous professional development (CPD) of PE teachers. In seeking to address common challenges, there have been calls to better integrate the work of teachers and teacher educators through collective engagement in projects focused on key pedagogical challenges in PE. Scholars have highlighted the need for a collaborative redesign of school PE and ITE for the 21st century, aiming to bridge the gap between recommended practices and the realities of school PE and ITE. Such an endeavour will necessitate teachers and teacher educators moving beyond their isolated contexts and seeking to learn with and from one another. The purpose of this project has been to facilitate sus-tainable international collaboration between PE teachers and teacher educators across seven European nations with a focus on identifying signature pedagogies of PE-ITE and CPD to support innovative PE practices in schools and ITE programs. This presentation aims to share the pedagogical and methodological approach which has guided this collaborative endeavour. Methods: This study involves a collabora-tion between 27 teacher educators, 22 in-service teachers and two international PE associations. In addition, 70 pre-service teachers, 70 school students, and 35 in-ser-vice teachers participated in data generation. Data sources were generated across two years and include: reflective diaries from teachers and teacher educators; focus group interviews with pre-service teachers and students; learning community meet-ing transcripts; non-participant observations in PETE and PE; and teaching/learning artifacts. Approach: In this project, we employ a collective action approach, guided by MacPhail and Lawson’s (2020) strategies, which highlight the need for: a) inter-national-comparative analyses, facilitating cross-border knowledge generation, in-novation, professional learning, and continuous improvement; b) dynamic partner-ships between exemplary ITE and school PE programs; and c) knowledge-generating teams of teachers and teacher educators. To maximize the effect of the collective action approach, the project integrates practitioner inquiry and learning communi-ties as complementary approaches. In this presentation, we illustrate the approach as it has been used to explore signature pedagogies of PE-ITE and CPD and outline what can be learned from it. This research holds important implications for the design and implementation of collective action projects seeking to promote the re-design of PE across contexts and for methodological approaches aiming to better understand signature pedagogies in PE-ITE and CPD.

MacPhail, A., & Lawson, H. (Eds.). (2020). School physical education and teacher education: Collaborative rede-sign for the 21st century. Routledge.

National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Social Sciences/Humanities
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-8290 (URN)
AIESEP 2024 International Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, May 13-17, 2024
Available from: 2024-06-17 Created: 2024-06-17 Last updated: 2024-06-28Bibliographically approved
Co-InvestigatorRedelius, Karin
Co-InvestigatorQuennerstedt, Mikael
Co-InvestigatorRoe, Daniel
Co-InvestigatorFrisk, Anders
2020-01-01 - 2025-06-02
National Category
Pedagogical WorkSport and Fitness Sciences
DiVA, id: project:8251Project, id: Erasmus+ 101056095

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