Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH

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Grant to research environment
Title [sv]
WORK TOGETHER: Ett systembaserat forskningsprogram för att uppdatera företagshälsovården och minska hälsogapet
Title [en]
The WORK TOGETHER program: Using a systems approach to update an occupational health service and reduce the health gap
Abstract [sv]

Det övergripande syftet med programmet är att förbättra inkluderingen och effektiviteten av ett befintligt och nationellt implementerat företagshälsovårdsprogram med syfte att minska ojämlikheter i hälsa genom att fokusera på högriskgrupper som behöver programmet mest. Programmet består av tre sammanhängande delar (WP) och fem projekt:

- WP1 Utvärdering av det befintliga programmets räckvidd och effektivitet (projekt 1)
Att studera inkludering och effektiviteten av det befintliga programmet under de senaste 30 åren, specifikt fokuserat på grupper som är underrepresenterade och högrisk-grupper.

- WP2 Programutvärdering och utveckling (projekt 2,3 och 4)
Att identifiera hinder och möjligheter för deltagande i och implementering och leverans av, det befintliga programmet (WP2A); att genomföra en innehållsanalys av det befintliga programmet och kontrastera detta mot evidensbaserad teori och forskning (WP2B); att använda kunskapen genererad från WP2A och WP2B för att tillsammans med partners skapa ett uppdaterat program, specifikt anpassat för att rikta sig mot underrepresenterade och högriskgrupper (WP2C ).

- WP3 Implementering, effektivitet och erfarenhet av det uppdaterade programmet (projekt 5)
Att studera implementeringen av det uppdaterade programmet, såväl som effektiviteten och erfarenheten av det uppdaterade programmet, med fokus på underrepresenterade och högriskgrupper.

Data och metod

WP1: Befintlig data på individnivå från n≈550 000 individer som deltagit i den existerade programmet sedan 1988, kopplat den till nationella register, kommer analyseras.
WP2: Med hjälp av ett samskapande tillvägagångssätt kommer vi att genomföra semistrukturerade individuella och fokusgruppsintervjuer (WP2A), en innehållsanalys av det befintliga programmet och jämföra med evidensbaserade teoretiska ramverk och taxonomier (WP2B), och därefter anpassa och uppdatera programmet (WP2C ).

WP3: Vi kommer att utföra en feasibility studie, en randomiserad kontrollerad studie, och semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer.

Relevans och nyttiggörande

Programmet kommer att ge betydande kunskap om de mikro- och makroprocesser som behöver beaktas för att minska ojämlikheter i hälsa på arbetsplatsen, specifikt avseende underrepresenterade och högriskgrupper. Långsiktigt, rikstäckande utnyttjande av det uppdaterade programmet är sannolikt, baserat på det nära samarbetet med befintlig infrastruktur, vilket kommer att möjliggöra kunskapsöverföring till viktiga intressenter och slutanvändare.


Programkonsortiet består av 10 seniora och 2 juniora forskare från 3 fristående institutioner, 3 samarbetspartners och en advisory board med 3 internationellt ledande forskare. Tydligt definierade roller, ansvarsområden, beslutsstrukturer, processer och förfaranden kommer att implementeras för att säkerställa en effektiv och hållbar funktion av programmet. Lönekostnaderna för deltagande forskarpersonal utgör huvuddelen av programmets budget.
Abstract [en]
Research problem and specific questions

The workplace is a promising setting to reduce health inequalities, but issues must be resolved to make it inclusive and effective. Therefore, the overall aim of the Work Together program is to improve the reach and effectiveness of an existing and nationwide occupational health service program (OHSP) to reduce health inequalities by targeting high-risk groups that need the program most. The program will consist of 3 inter-related work packages (WP):

- WP1 Evaluation of reach and effectiveness of the existing program (Project 1)
To study the reach and effectiveness of the existing OHSP during the past 30 years, specifically pertaining tounder-represented and high-risk groups.

- WP2 Program evaluation and development (Project 2,3 and 4)
To identify barriers and facilitators for participation in, implementation and delivery of the existing OHSP (aim WP2A); to conduct a content analysis of the existing OHSP and contrast this with the best-evidence to find areas of improvement (aim WP2B); to use merged knowledge from WP2A and B to create an updated OHSP, adapted to target under-represented and high-risk groups (aim WP2C ).

- WP3 Implementation, effectiveness, efficacy and experience of the updated program (Project 5)
To study the implementation of the updated program in real-world setting, as well as the effectiveness and efficacy, and the experience of the updated program, targeting under-represented and high-risk groups.

Data and method

WP1: Will use available individual-level data from n≈550,000 individuals (45% women) attending the existing OHSP since 1988 and link it to national registers. WP2: Using a co-creation approach, we will conduct semistructured individual and focus groups interviews (A), a content analysis of the existing OHSP program and map its content onto existing theoretical frameworks and taxonomies (B), and consequently adapt and update the OHSP (C ). WP3: We will perform a feasibility study, randomized controlled trial and semi structured individualinterviews.

Relevance and utilisation

The program will provide significant knowledge on the ways an OHSP can be updated to be more inclusive and effective, consequently reducing health inequalities in Swedish work life, specifically for under-represented and high-risk groups. Long term, nationwide utilisation of the updated OHSP is likely, based on the close collaboration with the OHS infrastructure, which will enable knowledge transfer to key stakeholders and end-users.

Plan for program realisation

The program consortium consists of 10 senior and 2 junior researchers from 3 independent institutions, 3 collaborating partners, and an advisory board with 3 internationally leading researchers. Clearly defined roles, responsibilities, decision making structures, processes and procedures will be implemented to ensure efficient and effective functioning of the program. Salary costs for participating research staff constitute most of the budget.
Publications (1 of 1) Show all publications
Ekblom Bak, E., Lindwall, M., Eriksson, L., Stenling, A., Svartengren, M., Lundmark, R., . . . Väisänen, D. (2024). In or out of reach? Long-term trends in the reach of health assessments in the Swedish occupational setting.. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 50(8), 641-652
Open this publication in new window or tab >>In or out of reach? Long-term trends in the reach of health assessments in the Swedish occupational setting.
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2024 (English)In: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, ISSN 0355-3140, E-ISSN 1795-990X, Vol. 50, no 8, p. 641-652Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the reach of a large-scale health assessment delivered by the occupational health service in Sweden for almost 30 years.

METHODS: A total of 418 286 individuals who participated in a health assessment (Health Profile Assessment, HPA) between 1995-2021 were included. A comparative sample was obtained from Statistics Sweden, comprising the entire working population for each year (4 962 127-6 011 829 unique individuals per time period). Sociodemographic and work organization characteristics were compared between the HPA and comparative population for six different periods. Under- and overrepresented groups in the private and public sectors were identified using the most recent data (2015-2021).

RESULTS: With negative per cent indicating underrepresentation, the most notable changes over time in representation in the HPA population compared to the comparative were observed for women (-1.2% to -12.8%), private sector employees (-9.4% to 14.9%), individuals with ≥3 years of employment (14.5% to 0.9%), in personal care (0.8% to -8.8%) and manufacturing (0.7% to 6.4%) occupations. Consistently overrepresented groups (median representation across periods) included individuals who had a single income source (6.3%) and were middle-aged (10.8%), born in Sweden (5.9%), associate professionals (8.7%), and employed in companies with high operating profit (17.9%) and low staff turnover (14.3%). Conversely, individuals with low income (-34.0%) and employed in small companies/organizations (-10.9%) were consistently underrepresented. Middle-aged women in education occupations were most underrepresented in the public sector, while in the private sector, it was young women in service and shop sales occupations.

CONCLUSIONS: This health assessment has reached many professionals, including hard-to-reach groups, but did not fully represents the Swedish workforce throughout the years.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health (NOROSH)., 2024
National Category
Occupational Health and Environmental Health Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-8377 (URN)10.5271/sjweh.4192 (DOI)39431991 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85211254852 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2024-11-04 Created: 2024-11-04 Last updated: 2024-12-18
Principal InvestigatorEkblom Bak, Elin
Co-InvestigatorLindwall, Magnus
Co-InvestigatorBlom, Victoria
Co-InvestigatorBolam, Kate
Co-InvestigatorHemmingsson, Erik
Co-InvestigatorKallings, Lena
Co-InvestigatorVäisänen, Daniel
Co-InvestigatorHellman, Therese
Co-InvestigatorSvartengren, Magnus
Co-InvestigatorLundmark, Robert
Co-InvestigatorStenling, Andreas
Co-InvestigatorEriksson, Linnea
Coordinating organisation
Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH
2023-10-01 - 2029-09-30
Keywords [en]
Health inequality, Workplace, occupational health service program, co-creation, systems approach
National Category
Occupational Health and Environmental Health
DiVA, id: project:3126Project, id: 2023-01126

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