Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH

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Engdahl, C., Lundvall, S. & Barker, D. (2024). Dancing as searching with Deleuze - a study of what students in physical education teacher education express and experience in creative dance lessons. Research in Dance Education, 25(4), 375-390
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Dancing as searching with Deleuze - a study of what students in physical education teacher education express and experience in creative dance lessons
2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: Research in Dance Education, ISSN 1464-7893, E-ISSN 1470-1111, Vol. 25, nr 4, s. 375-390Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

Physical education (PE), and specifically the teaching area of dance, has been identified as an important pedagogical setting within which young people develop creativity. Creativity is thus an important aspect of schooling. Several studies have suggested however, that dance is seldom taught in PE in ways that acknowledge creative aspects of movement learning, and that students in physical education teacher education (PETE) receive insufficient training in the area of dance. Very little research has been conducted specifically on how teachers and PETE students understand the subject tradition of creative dance. The aim of this paper is to create insights into what PETE students express and experience in creative dance lessons where we specifically explore a pedagogy based on imitation. To address this aim, empirical material was generated through observations and logbooks during a pedagogical sequence of creative dance at a Swedish PETE institution. Deleuzian concepts of palpation and experimentation were used to guide our analysis. The results of this study show alternative ways of understanding what can happen when students participate in creative dance lessons. Our findings contribute to researchers' and teacher educators' understandings of students' experiences of working with spaces of creativity in PETE, and how these experiences can be used in teaching of creative dance.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Taylor & Francis, 2024
Creativity, creative dance, physical education teacher education, Deleuze, experimentation, palpation
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-7420 (URN)10.1080/14647893.2022.2144195 (DOI)000882932600001 ()
Tillgänglig från: 2022-12-02 Skapad: 2022-12-02 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-03
Seger, I., Eklund, A., Jamshidpey, A., Lundvall, S., Takats, J., Stålman, C., . . . Andersson, E. (2023). En hållbar svensk skolintervention med extra pulshöjande träning – dess organisation och effekter på fysisk kapacitet och akademisk prestation.. Järfälla kommun
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>En hållbar svensk skolintervention med extra pulshöjande träning – dess organisation och effekter på fysisk kapacitet och akademisk prestation.
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2023 (Svenska)Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Abstract [sv]


En stor majoritet av svenska barn når inte upp till den rekommenderade dagliga nivån av fysisk aktivitet. Vissa, men inte alla, studier visar att extra fysisk aktivitet kan ha positiva effekter på barns skolprestationer, fysiska kapacitet och hälsa.


Syftet var att erbjuda elever från årskurs 7 till 8 extra aerob pulshöjande träning, ledd av idrottslärare, och att utvärdera effekterna på kondition, muskelstyrka, skolbetyg och hälsa. Hypotesen var att extra aerob träning skulle förbättra fysisk kapacitet, skolbetyg och hälsa.


I det tvååriga projektet utgjordes 122 slumpmässigt utvalda elever i åldrarna 13-14 år från tre skolor en aerob grupp med 30 minuters extra träningspass (≥70 % maxpuls) två gånger i veckan. En slumpmässigt utvald kontrollgrupp på 26 elever som ingick. Alla 148 elever hade dessutom ordinarie idrottsundervisning.


En måttlig till stor signifikant effektstorlek (via partiell eta-squared) av interaktionseffekten för aeroba gruppen jämfört med kontrollgruppen över tid sågs generellt för aerob fysisk kapacitet, muskelstyrketestet med armhävningar, skolbetyg i svenska, engelska samt idrott & hälsa, och i medelbetygsvärde för fyra skolämnen sammantagna, inkluderande även matematik. Inom den aeroba gruppen visades också signifikanta förbättringar över tid för kondition, uthållighetsstyrka i mag- och benmuskler och ett sammanfattat fysiskt index för fysisk kapacitet under det tvååriga projektet. Kontrollgruppen visade ingen motsvarande förbättring av dessa parametrar.

Förbättringarna i den aeroba gruppen sågs generellt bland båda könen vad gäller skolbetygen, medan förbättringar i fysisk kapacitet var klart mer uttalade bland pojkar och sällan bland flickor. Ett liknande mönster med betydande förbättringar i flera skolbetyg noterades i alla tre inblandade interventionsskolor, trots att en av skolorna hade en klart större andel barn som invandrat till Sverige och med generellt lägre socioekonomi.

Aeroba gruppen visade signifikant högre självskattning (med liten till måttlig effektstorlek) på flera frågor om fysisk självuppfattning än kontrollgruppen i slutet av 8:e klass.


Denna lärarledda skolintervention genererade ett hållbart projekt med flera förbättringar i fysisk kapacitet och skolbetyg. Projektet kan fungera som en inspiration för andra skolor att öka fysisk aktivitet för att förbättra fysisk kapacitet och eventuellt även skolbetyg.

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Järfälla kommun, 2023. s. 36 s.
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-8386 (URN)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-11-18 Skapad: 2024-11-18 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-11-18
Engdahl, C., Lundvall, S. & Barker, D. (2023). ‘Free but not free-free’: teaching creative aspects of dance in physical education teacher education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 28(6), 617-629
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>‘Free but not free-free’: teaching creative aspects of dance in physical education teacher education
2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, ISSN 1740-8989, E-ISSN 1742-5786, Vol. 28, nr 6, s. 617-629Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]


There is a global consensus that stimulating and fostering children’s creativity in education is crucial. Addressing creativity has become an imperative in educational policies and in school curricula internationally. School-based physical education (PE), and specifically the teaching area of dance, has been identified as an important pedagogical setting within which to develop creativity. Existing studies have suggested, however, that dance is seldom taught in PE in ways that acknowledge creative aspects of movement learning. Scholars have claimed that teaching pre-arranged dances with predetermined movement outcomes dominate dance teaching in PE. Furthermore, studies have asserted that the overarching regulative principles of PE and PETE that privilege sport skills and physical exercise hinder creative movement learning. Still, dance teaching is frequently seen as part of expressive dance teaching in PE and PETE and is regarded as holding potential in the area of education for creativity. Little scholarly attention has been given to how teacher educators approach creative aspects in dance teaching.


This article aims to create insights into how PETE teacher educators understand and work with creative aspects of dance in their educational practice.

Method and theory

To address our aim, we investigate how teacher educators describe their teaching of creative aspects of dance. To do this, empirical material was generated through qualitative interviews with PE teacher educators from each of the PETE institutions in Sweden. The theoretical concepts of smooth and striated spaces and experimentation by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari were used to guide the analysis of how the PETE educators described their teaching of creative aspects of dance. Deleuze and Guattari developed a framework that concerned questions of creativity and newness. Despite this conceptual framework having not yet been used in dance education in PE and PETE, their writing fits well when analysing questions of creativity in an educational context.


We identified three major themes relating to creativity in the empirical material: (a) creative aspects of expressive dance; (b) challenges that teacher educators face when introducing movement exploration in expressive dance to their students, and; (c) the teacher educators’ pedagogical work with students.


The results of this study show that teaching expressive dance can take teaching in PE and PETE in new directions. The results provide insights into alternative ways of teaching in these educational settings that can counter the dominant ways of teaching dance. Results suggest that teacher educators operate in various striated spaces that are shaped by expectations and conventions. In such spaces, the educators aim to create momentary passages of smoothening that open up for experimentation and the development of students’ creativity. The results also suggest that expressive dance in PE and PETE emphasizes creative movement learning through which students learn to operate within new and unpredictable situations.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Taylor & Francis, 2023
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-6894 (URN)10.1080/17408989.2021.2014435 (DOI)000734226800001 ()
Vetenskapsrådet, 2017-03685
Tillgänglig från: 2022-01-04 Skapad: 2022-01-04 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-01-23
Jansson, A., Sundblad, G. B., Lundvall, S., Bjärsholm, D. & Norberg, J. R. (2023). Gender Differences and Inequality?: A 20-Year Retrospective Analysis Based on 39,980 Students' Perceptions of Physical Education in Sweden.. Journal of teaching in physical education, 42(2), 371-382
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Gender Differences and Inequality?: A 20-Year Retrospective Analysis Based on 39,980 Students' Perceptions of Physical Education in Sweden.
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2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Journal of teaching in physical education, ISSN 0273-5024, E-ISSN 1543-2769, Vol. 42, nr 2, s. 371-382Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

Purpose: The aim of this study was to critically examine previous studies' claims about the magnitude of gender differences and gender inequality in physical education (PE) in Sweden. Method: The data were based on students' (N = 39,980) perceptions of PE and were gathered from four large research projects in Sweden. Three effect size measures (Cramer's V, r squared, and Cohen's d) were calculated for gender differences. Results: In general, there are small gender differences; and after controlling for students' grade, "sports capital," and parents' "educational capital," the differences are practically irrelevant. Conclusion: This study provides compelling evidence that there are small, or even irrelevant, gender differences in students' perceptions of PE in Sweden. Moreover, given that previous research asserts that large gender differences can be used as an indicator of inequality, this study suggests that gender inequality issues related to students' perceptions of PE are relatively small. 

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Human Kinetics, 2023
Cohen's d, constructive replication, Cramer's V, effect size, r -squared
Nationell ämneskategori
Idrottsvetenskap Utbildningsvetenskap
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-7639 (URN)10.1123/jtpe.2021-0270 (DOI)000927573500001 ()
Tillgänglig från: 2023-05-18 Skapad: 2023-05-18 Senast uppdaterad: 2023-10-26
Lundvall, S., Svärd, M. & Schantz, P. (2023). Närfriluftsliv, hållbarhet och hälsa: En alternativ didaktisk praktik (1 uppl.ed.). In: Gunn Engelsrud, Bjørg Oddrun Hallås, Suzanne Lundvall, Aslaug Nyrnes, Ove Olsen Sæle og Tobias Christoph Werler (Ed.), Didaktiske praksiser i lærerutdanning: Steder i et landskap, (pp. 182-200). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Närfriluftsliv, hållbarhet och hälsa: En alternativ didaktisk praktik
2023 (Svenska)Ingår i: Didaktiske praksiser i lærerutdanning: Steder i et landskap, / [ed] Gunn Engelsrud, Bjørg Oddrun Hallås, Suzanne Lundvall, Aslaug Nyrnes, Ove Olsen Sæle og Tobias Christoph Werler, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget , 2023, 1 uppl., s. 182-200Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2023 Upplaga: 1 uppl.
plats, lärande, hållbarhet, friluftsliv
Nationell ämneskategori
Annan humaniora och konst
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-8054 (URN)978-82-15-06098-9 (ISBN)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-01-15 Skapad: 2024-01-15 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-07Bibliografiskt granskad
Seger, I., Lundvall, S., Eklund, A., Jamshidpey, A., Takats, J., Stålman, C., . . . Andersson, E. A. (2022). A Sustainable Swedish School Intervention with Extra Aerobic Exercise: Its Organization and Effects on Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement. Sustainability, 14(5), 2822-2822
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>A Sustainable Swedish School Intervention with Extra Aerobic Exercise: Its Organization and Effects on Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement
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2022 (Engelska)Ingår i: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 14, nr 5, s. 2822-2822Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

A large majority of Swedish children do not reach the recommended daily activity level. Some, but not all, studies show that extra physical activity may have positive effects on children’s school performance, physical fitness and health. The present purpose was to offer pupils from the 7th to the 8th grade extra aerobic exercise led by physical education teachers and to evaluate the effects on aerobic fitness, muscle strength, school grades and health. The hypothesis was that extra aerobic exercise would improve physical fitness, school grades and health. In the two-year project, 122 pupils aged 13–14 years from three schools constituted an aerobic group with 30 min extra exercise sessions (≥70% maximal heart rate) twice weekly. A control group of 26 pupils was included. All 148 pupils also had regular 60 min physical education lessons (2/week). A moderate to large significant effect size (via partial eta-squared) of the interaction effect for the aerobic group compared to the control group over time was generally seen for aerobic fitness, the muscle strength test with push-ups, school grades in Swedish, English and physical education, and in average school grade for four school subjects combined, thus also including mathematics. Within the aerobic group, significant improvements were also shown for aerobic fitness, endurance and strength of abdominal and leg muscles, and the total physical test index during the two-year project. The control group showed no corresponding improvement in these parameters. Improvements in school grades were generally seen among both sexes in the aerobic group, whereas improvements in physical capacity were distinctly more pronounced among boys and seldom among girls. A similar pattern with significant improvement in several school grades was noted in all three intervention schools, although one of the schools had a distinctly larger proportion of children who immigrated to Sweden. The aerobic group showed significantly higher ratings (with a small to moderate effect size) on several questions about physical self-perception than the control group at the end of the 8th grade. This teacher-led school intervention generated a sustainable project with improvements in physical fitness and school grades. The project might act as an inspiration for other schools to increase physical activity to improve physical fitness and possibly school grades.

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MDPI, 2022
physical activity, physical education, school, teachers, academic achievements, fitness
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-7007 (URN)10.3390/su14052822 (DOI)000769133400001 ()
Tillgänglig från: 2022-03-15 Skapad: 2022-03-15 Senast uppdaterad: 2022-10-20
Seger, I., Lundvall, S., Eklund, A., Jamshidpey, A., Takats, J., Stålman, C., . . . Andersson, E. (2022). En hållbar svensk skolintervention med extra pulshöjande träning: dess organisation och effekter på fysisk kapacitet och akademisk prestation. In: Svensk idrottsmedicin 2022:2: . Paper presented at SFAIMs vårmöte 2022. Tillsammans för framtidens fysiska aktivitet och idrottsmedicin. Stockholm 19-20 maj 2022.. Svensk förening för fysisk aktivitet och idrottsmedicin, 41
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>En hållbar svensk skolintervention med extra pulshöjande träning: dess organisation och effekter på fysisk kapacitet och akademisk prestation
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2022 (Svenska)Ingår i: Svensk idrottsmedicin 2022:2, Svensk förening för fysisk aktivitet och idrottsmedicin , 2022, Vol. 41Konferensbidrag, Muntlig presentation med publicerat abstract (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Svensk förening för fysisk aktivitet och idrottsmedicin, 2022
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-7431 (URN)
SFAIMs vårmöte 2022. Tillsammans för framtidens fysiska aktivitet och idrottsmedicin. Stockholm 19-20 maj 2022.
Tillgänglig från: 2022-12-05 Skapad: 2022-12-05 Senast uppdaterad: 2022-12-05
Jansson, A., Sundblad, G. B., Lundvall, S., Bjarsholm, D. & Norberg, J. R. (2022). Students' perceived learning in physical education: variations across students' gender and migration background in Sweden. Sport, Education and Society, 27(4), 421-433
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Students' perceived learning in physical education: variations across students' gender and migration background in Sweden
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2022 (Engelska)Ingår i: Sport, Education and Society, ISSN 1357-3322, E-ISSN 1470-1243, Vol. 27, nr 4, s. 421-433Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

Students' perceived learning in physical education (PE) is an important yet neglected area of research. Increased knowledge about students' perceived learning can provide teachers with useful information to promote meaningful learning experiences in PE. Moreover, perceived learning can potentially be an alternative measurement to school grades when analyzing equality of outcome. Given that gender and migration background are associated with equality issues in PE, these groups are of particular focus in this study. With this background, the aim of this paper is threefold: (a) to explore students' perceived learning in PE in Sweden, (b) to analyze what perceptions of PE are most prominent, and (c) present a way to quantitatively illustrate how perceptions about PE vary across gender and migration background. The analysis was based on a question about students' perceived learning and was conducted in two steps. First, the students' answers were categorized using qualitative content analysis. The analysis shows that the perceived learning in PE can be categorized into the following categories: 'Physical doing', 'Emotional experiences', 'Health', 'Do not learn', 'Outdoor Education' and 'Social interaction'. Second, by quantitatively illustrate all answers in relation to the six categories, the result showed that the category of 'Physical doing' (36%) was the most prominent, and thereafter, in descending order are the categories of 'Emotional experiences' (22%), 'Health' (18%), 'Do not learn' (10%), 'Outdoor Education' (10%) and 'Social interaction' (4%). The results also showed that regardless of gender and migration background, students have somewhat similar perceptions of what they learn in PE. In this study we: (i) present a categorization of students' perceived learning in PE, (ii) show that physical doing is a prominent aspect in students answers, lastly (iii) by quantitatively illustrate students' perceived learning in PE, this study also suggest an alternative measurement to analyze equality in PE.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Taylor & Francis Group, 2022
Equality, gender, migration background, meaningfulness, perceived learning, physical education
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-6577 (URN)10.1080/13573322.2021.1878129 (DOI)000612735500001 ()
Tillgänglig från: 2021-03-03 Skapad: 2021-03-03 Senast uppdaterad: 2022-05-18
Tidén, A., Sundblad, G. B. & Lundvall, S. (2021). Assessed movement competence through the lens of Bourdieu: a longitudinal study of a developed taste for sport, PE and physical activity. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 26(3), 255-267
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Assessed movement competence through the lens of Bourdieu: a longitudinal study of a developed taste for sport, PE and physical activity
2021 (Engelska)Ingår i: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, ISSN 1740-8989, E-ISSN 1742-5786, Vol. 26, nr 3, s. 255-267Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

Background The interest for young people?s movement ability has increased. Literature shows that many factors, apart from movement ability, influence the development of and sustained interest in or taste for physical activity and the learning thereof.Purpose This longitudinal study illustrates, through the lens of Bourdieu, whether and how assessed movement ability at the age of 15, together with cultural capital and sports habitus, is reflected in exercise habits and a taste for participation in sport and physical activity as a young adult.Data collection and analysis A multidisciplinary project called School-Sport-Health (Skola-idrott-hälsa) was established in 2001 in Sweden to investigate the physical and health status of children and youth, as well as attitudes to and participating in school physical education. Schools were randomly selected by the agency Statistics Sweden. In total, 1,975 pupils aged 9, 12 and 15 answered a life style questionnaire, and took part in at least one sub study of the baseline study in 2001. Movement ability was examined using the NyTid test. 560 pupils (283 girls, 277 boys) aged 15 (born in 1985, ±1) completed the test. In the follow-up study, lifestyle questionnaires, were answered nine years apart by the pupils who had participated in the NyTid test at the age of 15. The response rate was 61 per cent (341 young adults: 186 females, 155 males). Group and gender differences between those who had a high level of assessed movement ability (HLG) and those with a low level (LLG) were analysed. Data were analysed through Bourdieu?s analytical concepts habitus and capital.Findings The assumption that an acquired high level of movement ability plays a central role in being physically active later in life is both confirmed and challenged by the results. The HLG view themselves as more physically active and with a higher intensity (71 per cent) than the LLG (44 per cent). A low level of assessed movement ability at the age of 15 did not prevent young adults from acquiring a taste for sport and physical activity later in life. Habitus is a generative principle and can, according to the logic of practice, give action meaning, which may go against earlier habitus and trigger actions. Earlier described gender differences appear to be less evident in young adults.Conclusions Further research is needed to understand how pupils? movement narratives are constructed to support young people?s taste for movement and development of movement competence.

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Routledge, 2021
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-6613 (URN)10.1080/17408989.2021.1886269 (DOI)000624714600001 ()
Tillgänglig från: 2021-03-23 Skapad: 2021-03-23 Senast uppdaterad: 2021-05-05
Lundvall, S. & Maivorsdotter, N. (2021). Environing as Embodied Experience: A Study of Outdoor Education as Part of Physical Education. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3, Article ID 768295.
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Environing as Embodied Experience: A Study of Outdoor Education as Part of Physical Education
2021 (Engelska)Ingår i: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, E-ISSN 2624-9367, Vol. 3, artikel-id 768295Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

The development of a re-understanding or re-investigation of body pedagogy is currently prominent in the field of physical education (PE) and sport pedagogy. This goes for the learning of movement capability and health but also in relation to outdoor education (OE). The latter a criticized area for having a one-size-fits-all approach to curriculum, with less attention to what to learn in OE, including aspects of everyday practices of being outdoors. The aim of this study was to explore students aged 15 years, and their meaning making of being outdoors expressed in written stories about a favorite place. Two school year eight classes in a Swedish compulsory school situated in an area with high diversity participated. Through this theory-generated empirical study, written stories were explored as one way of evaluating students' meaning making of outdoor places. By using practical epistemology analysis (PEA) to examine experience operationalized through aesthetic judgements attention is paid to the relation between the student and the situation (their favorite place). The analysis make it possible to discern a sense and meaning making of “being” outdoors as an embodied experience, as a relational whole of the self, others and the environment. Descriptions of aesthetic experiences were analyzed leading to dimensions of environing described as “calm and privacy,” “community and togetherness” and “feelings and senses.” A favorite place was by all students described as a very local and nearby place accessible in everyday life. The analysis generated understandings of feelings of “fulfillment” and different embodied experiences of what an encounter with an outdoor place or being outdoors could mean. Furthermore, how personal and diverse the meaning making place tends to be and how experience and habits contribute to the students' creation of microenvironments. Dimensions of environing become part of an embodied process. The analysis of the written stories calls for an alternative understanding of what OE can or should consist of. The findings encourage teachers and researchers to consider alternative understandings and practices of OE that highlight and educate students' overall embodied (individual) experiences and learning in OE and PE.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Frontiers Media S.A., 2021
Physical education, environing, practical epistemology analysis, outdoor education, diversity, peri-urban nature, aesthetic experience
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-6863 (URN)10.3389/fspor.2021.768295 (DOI)000726031600001 ()34870196 (PubMedID)
Centrum för Idrottsforskning, P2019-0164
Tillgänglig från: 2021-12-02 Skapad: 2021-12-02 Senast uppdaterad: 2022-01-03
Forskarskolan i idrott och hälsas didaktik 3 [2018-03388_VR]; Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIHForskarskolan SMOVE: Hållbar daglig rörelse i förskolor och skolor [VR 2021-00520]; Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH

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